Browsing by Author "MAGARIU, Nicolae"

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  • LUPAN, Oleg; BRINZA, Mihai; PIEHL, Julia; ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae; ZIMOCH, Lukas; STRUNSKUS, Thomas; PAUPORTE, Thierry; ADELUNG, Rainer; FAUPEL, Franz; SCHRÖDER, Stefan (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2024)
    Certain biomarkers in exhaled breath are indicators of diseases in the human body. The non-invasive detection of such biomarkers in human breath increases the demand for simple and cost-effective gas sensors to replace ...
  • CHAKRABORTY, Barnika; SCHADTE, Philipp; POSCHMANN, Mirjam P. M.; LUPAN, Cristian; ZADOROJNEAC, Tudor; MAGARIU, Nicolae; PADUNNAPPATTU, Ajay; SCHÜTT, Fabian; LUPAN, Oleg; SIEBERT, Leonard; STOCK, Norbert; ADELUNG, Rainer (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023)
    The various applications of hydrogen in the energy sector require sensor materials that can efficiently detect small amounts of H2 in gas mixtures. One solution is the use of a Metal-organic Framework (MOF)-functionalized ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel; LUPAN, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2021)
    The invention relates to the technique and technology of oxide semiconductors, in particular to butanol sensors based on ZnO-Al2O3 heteronjunctions.
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel; LUPAN, Oleg (Technical University "Gheorghe Asachi" of Iași, 2020)
    Invenția se referă la tehnica și tehnologia semiconductorilor oxizi, în particular la senzori de butanol pe baza heteronjocțiunilor ZnO-Al2O3. Butanolul se folosește pe larg în calitate de solvent pentru ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; MAGARIU, Nicolae; KRÜGER, Helge; SEREACOV, Alexandr; ABABII, Nicolai; RAILEAN, Serghei; ZIMOCH, Lukas; ADELUNG, Rainer; HANSEN, Sandra (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
    Permanent monitoring of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in various environments, especially for safety and biomedical applications, is a growing field due to the high reactivity of the ...
  • SCHRÖDER, Stefan; STRUNSKUS, Thomas; ABABII, Nicolai; LUPAN, Oleg; MAGARIU, Nicolae; FAUPEL, Franz (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    Initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) is a solvent-free polymer thin film deposition process which can be used to produce high quality dielectric thin films with nanoscale control and circumvents thus these problems. ...
  • SCHRÖDER, Stefan; MAGARIU, Nicolae; STRUNSKUS, Thomas; ABABII, Nicolai; LUPAN, Oleg; FAUPEL, Franz (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Dielectric materials are of great interest in a vast amount of applications ranging from cable insulation to advanced electronic devices. The emerging trend of device miniaturization is creating an increased demand for ...
  • LUPAN, Cristian; KHALEDIALIDUSTI, Rasoul; MISHRA, Abhishek Kumar; POSTICA, Vasile; TERASA, Maik-Ivo; MAGARIU, Nicolae; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; VIANA, Bruno; DREWES, Jonas; VAHL, Alexander; FAUPEL, Franz; ADELUNG, Rainer (American Chemical Society, 2020)
    Reducing the operating temperature to room temperature is a serious obstacle on long-life sensitivity with long-term stability performances of gas sensors based on semiconducting oxides, and this should be overcome by new ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală, 2023-01-31)
    Invenţia se referă la tehnica şi tehnologia semiconductorilor oxizi, în particular la senzori de n-butanol pe baza heterojoncţiunii ZnO-Al2O3. Senzorul de n-butanol pe baza heterojoncţiunii ZnO-Al2O3 include un substrat ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; ILCO, Valentin; MELNIC, Vladimir; MARTINIUC, Alexei; VĂRZARU, Vladimir; SECRIERU, Nicolae; GUȚU, Marin; VERJBIȚKI, Valeri; MAGARIU, Nicolae; LUPAN, Oleg (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    În respectiva monografie se face o trecere în revistă a experienței acumulate și provocărilor cu care s-a confruntat echipa Centrului Tehnologii Spațiale UTM la elaborarea nanosatelitului TUMnanoSAT în cadrul programului ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    Scopul lucrării constă în obținerea structurilor Au/Al2O3/ZnO, CuO/Cu2O/ZnO:Fe, Au/CuO/Cu2O şi Au/TiO2/CuO/Cu2O prin metode și tehnologii cost-eficiente; identificarea structurilor şi a nanofirelor cu sensibilitate și ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; ABABII, Nicolai; ZADOROJNEAC, Tudor; KRÜGER, Helge; BODDULURI, Mani Teja; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; ADELUNG, Rainer; HANSEN, Sandra; LUPAN, Oleg (IEEE, 2021)
    Nanosensors and microsensors are important for environmental and biomedical monitoring due to their extraordinary properties. In this work sensor devices are fabricated for the detection of H 2 gas and ethanol vapors. These ...
  • ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae; LUPAN, Oleg (Romanian Inventors Forum, 2022)
    This study reports on a new type of gas sensor based on semiconductor oxides that is capable to solve the problem of the effect of high relative humidity on sensory performance with the possibility of application in the ...
  • ZADOROJNEAC, Tudor; ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae (Tehnica UTM, 2020)
    Detection and differentiation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is extremely important since presence of these gaseous pollutants in ambient air is harmful and poses a serious threat to human health even at small ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; TROFIM, Viorel; LUPAN, Oleg (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova (AGEPI), 2021)
    Invenția se referă la tehnica și tehnologia semiconductoarelor de oxid, în special la senzorii de butanol pe baza heteronjonctiunilor ZnO-Al2O3. Butanolul este utilizat pe scară largă ca solvent pentru fabricarea lacurilor ...
  • MAGARIU, Nicolae; LUPAN, Oleg; TROFIM, Viorel (Ștefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2021)
    Problema, pe care o rezolvă invenția propusă, constă în confecționarea unui sensor de n-Butanol cu o sensibilitate mai mare la concentrații mici a gazului, reproductibilitate a parametrilor mai înaltă și o tehnologie de ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; ABABII, Nicolai; SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; TERASA, Maik-Ivo; MAGARIU, Nicolae; ZAPPA, Dario; COMINI, Elisabetta; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; SIEBERT, Leonard; FAUPEL, Franz; VAHL, Alexander; HANSEN, Sandra; LEEUW de, Nora H.; ADELUNG, Rainer (Elsevier, 2021)
    Heterojunctions are used in solar cells and optoelectronics applications owing to their excellent electrical and structural properties. Recently, these energy-efficient systems have also been employed as sensors to distinguish ...
  • LUPAN, Cristian; CREȚU, Vasilii; MISHRA, Abhishek Kumar; MAGARIU, Nicolae; MANCIU, Nicolae; ABABII, Nicolai; MISHRA, Soni; RAILEAN, Serghei; ZIMOCH, Lukas; GALSTYAN, Vardan; HANSEN, Sandra; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry (Technical University of Moldova, 2022)
    Nanostructured copper oxide films were obtained by the method of chemical synthesis from solutions (SCS) and exposed to post-growth rapid thermal processing (RTP) in air at different temperatures to study the influence of ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae; HANSEN, Sandra; VAHL, Alexander; ZIMOCH, Lukas; HOPPE, Mathias; PAUPORTE, Thierry; GALSTYAN, Vardan; SONTEA, Victor; CHOW, Lee; FAUPEL, Franz; ADELUNG, Rainer; LEEUW de, Nora H.; COMIN, Elisabetta (American Chemical Society, 2021)
    Highly sensitive TiO2/Cu2O/CuO multi-nanolayers have been grown in various thicknesses by a cost-effective and reproducible combined spray-sputtering-annealing approach. The ultra-thin TiO2 films were deposited by spray ...
  • LUPAN, Oleg; SANTOS-CARBALLAL, David; ABABII, Nicolai; MAGARIU, Nicolae; HANSEN, Sandra; VAHL, Alexander; ZIMOCH, Lukas; HOPPE, Mathias; PAUPORTÉ, Thierry; GALSTYAN, Vardan; SONTEA, Victor; CHOW, Lee; FAUPEL, Franz; ADELUNG, Rainer; de LEEUW, Nora H.; COMINI, Elisabetta (American Chemical Society, 2021)
    TiO2/Cu2O/CuO multi-nanolayers highly sensitive toward volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and H2 have been grown in various thicknesses by a cost-effective and reproducible combined spray–sputtering–annealing approach. The ...

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