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  • FĂRÂMĂ, Sabina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Jucăriile contribuie la dezvoltarea personalității copilului. Ele trebuie să dezvolte inteligența, imaginația și unicitatea acestuia, pentru a-l pregăti de viața de adult.Pe lângă faptul că o jucărie trebuie să fie educativă, ...
  • IALANJI, Arina (Scientific Collection "InterConf", 2020)
    În acest articol vom analiza prevederile legale ce reglementează condițiile de judecare a cauzei în lipsa inculpatului pe motiv de eschivare de la proces, prin ajustarea acestora la cazurile practice atât la nivel național ...
  • IALANJI, Arina (Technical University of Moldova, 2021)
    The article analyzes the legal provisions governing the conditions of trial in the absence of the defendant if he is removed from the trial for disciplinary reasons by adjusting them to practical cases both at national ...
  • MAMULAT, Aliona; MARLEAN, I. (Tehnica UTM, 2010)
    The article presents the construction’s purpose of the Julia’s castle and reveals the mystery it is shrouded in.
  • DEMENTIEVA, Natalia; ŢURCANU, V. (UTM, 2010)
    The first junctionless transistor was designed by Irish physicians from the Tyndall National Institute. This invention can cause a revolution in microchip production. It is interesting that the general principle of such ...
  • MOROZ, Oleg (Technical University of Moldova, 2023)
    The purpose of the publication is to determine the ways and components of the process of ensuring effective and efficient reform of the state administration of Ukraine as a whole and its administrative-territorial system, ...
  • SERBIN, Vladimir; GHEORGHIŢA, Andrei (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    The article presents theoretical and experimental study results of rotation uniformity for seed drill wheel and possibilities of using wheeled dibber drills in the design of sowing machines. The main purpose of research ...
  • ZAVZAVІALOV, V.; MISYURA, Т.; MALEZHIK, I.; BODROV, V.; ZAPOROZHETS, Y.; POPOVA, N.; LOBOK, O. (Technical University of Moldova, 2014)
    The problem to justify the influence of low–frequency mechanical vibrations on external mass transfer under the conditions of vibroextraction from plant raw materials and establish the regularities of its change depending ...
  • РОРUŞОI, Victоr (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2020)
    Аnаlizа tiрurilоr dе jоcuri vidео аrе cа scоp аnаlizа și studiеrеа difеritоr tipuri dе jоcuri vidео, prеcum și impаctul lоr аsuprа pеrsоnаlității jucătоrului fiе cа еstе un impаct pоzitiv sаu nеgаtiv. Еlе аu аrătаt multе ...
  • COCOŞ, Natalia (Tehnica UTM, 2011)
    The nonlinear problem of tracking and predicting where a satellite will be over some time can be difficult with the recognition of modeling error and ground site radar tracking errors. For this reason it is important to ...
  • DOHOTARU, Leonid (Tehnica UTM, 2018)
    The non - equilibrium theory of strongly correlated systems is proposed theory which is grounded on the generalized Wick theorem. This theorem is employed for calculation of the thermal averages of the contour arranged ...
  • CIOBANU, Mitrofan; CEBOTARU, Elena (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2018)
    This year, 400 years have passed since the creation of the Kepler’s theory about the movement of celestial bodies, which are of the great importance for the understanding the movement of the celestial bodies, and have given ...
  • CODRUT, Ianăşi; TOMA, Corneliu; GUI, Vasile; PESCARU, Dan (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Nonparametric kernel density estimation has been successfully used in modelling the background statistics, in video surveillance, due to its capability to perform well without making any assumption about the form of the ...
  • CODRUT, Ianăşi; TOMA, Corneliu; GUI, Vasile; PESCARU, Dan (Technical University of Moldova, 2005)
    Nonparametric kernel density estimation has been successfully used in modeling the background statistics, in video surveillance, due to its capability to perform well without making any assumption about the form of the ...
  • GRIGORIU, Nicolae (Bons Offices, 2018)
    Kernel represents an abstract generalization of a concept of solution for cooperative games. These structures have many applications in game theory.
  • GURIEVA, Galina; NIEDENZU, Sara; SIMINEL, Nikita; FRANZA, Alexandra; SCHORRAB, Susan (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022)
    The solid solution series between Cu2ZnSnSe4, crystallizing in the kesterite type structure, and Cu2MnSnSe4, adopting the stannite type structure, i.e. Cu2(Zn1−xMnx)SnSe4, was studied by a combination of neutron and X-ray ...
  • BELANOV, Vasile (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2022)
    Kevlarobetonul cât și betonul arbolit sunt niște materiale destul de ieftine, care au niște proprietăți mai bune decât produsele deja cunoscute, ca cum ar fi elementele de umplutură, blocurile BCA, blocurile din calcar, ...
  • IORDAN, Marius (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2023)
    The growing volume and complexity of data generated by individuals and businesses have led to the emergence of big data analytics as a vital tool for gaining insights and making better decisions to keep today's data-ruled ...
  • BOSTAN, Viorel; BOSTAN, Ion; ILCO, Valentin; MELNIC, Vladimir; MARTINIUC, Alexei; SECRIERU, Nicolae (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The TUM National Space Technologies Center team was selected by the Japan Aerospace Agency (JAXA) and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) for the fourth round of the KiboCUBE Program for the launch ...
  • MIRONOV, B. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2005)
    In this paper the concept of undular frame is defined as a system of tools consisting of waves, having the same nature as observed waves. Such definition of used tools set is equivalent to the problem about behavior and ...

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