UTM: Recent submissions

  • STURZA, Rodica; PINTEA, Adela; POPOVICI, Violina (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Obiectivul cercetării a fost de a proteja compușii biologic activi extrași din tescovină de struguri roșii prin încapsularea acestora în lipozomi. Pigmenții naturali încapsulați pot fi utilizați pentru în produse de ...
  • STAFIE, Artur (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Sticla devine un element decorativ de prestigiu în amenajări și decorațiuni interioare, oferind spațiilor mici o senzație de aerisire și mărire vizuală. Este apreciată pentru versatilitatea sa, fiind prezentă în numeroase ...
  • SERGHEEVA, Elena; NETREBA, Natalia (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    În acest studiu a fost elaborat un produs de cofetărie spumos – marshmallow pe bază de sirop de topinambur, îmbogățit cu făină de dovleac în proporții de 10, 15, 20, 25 și 30% din masa materiei prime, și au fost investigate ...
  • SANDU, Iuliana (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Colorantul natural brun, obținut prin prelucrarea blândă a miezului nucilor Juglans regia L. contribuie la rezolvarea problemei utilizării deșeurilor agroalimentare cu obținerea substanțelor biologic active. Raționamentul ...
  • ROȘCA, Patricia (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Procesul de înlocuire a materialelor tradiționale din designul interior cu cele moderne poate implica o varietate de aspecte, inclusiv materialele în sine, tehnologiile integrate și abordările conceptuale. În acest proces ...
  • COVACI, Ecaterina; VLADEI, Natalia (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2024)
    Scopul cercetării a constat în aplicarea metodelor și tehnicilor microbiologice pentru observarea, izolarea și identificarea microorganismelor existente în produsele examinate în scopul stabilirii prezenței sau absenței ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; TURCANU, Dinu (Longdom Publishing, 2022)
    The aim of the research is to assess the level of assistance for people with gluten-related disorders in the Republic of Moldova (RM). The assessment of the level of assistance of persons with CD in the Republic of Moldova ...
  • COVALIOV, Eugenia; SIMINIUC, Rodica; POPOVICI, Violina (ISRES Publishing, 2022)
    Nutella is the best-selling chocolate and hazelnut spread in the world. It is known that the main ingredients of Nutella are sugar (55%) palm oil (23%), hazelnuts (14%), cocoa solids and skimmed milk (8%). Currently, ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; ȚURCANU, Dinu (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2020)
    As a consequence of the production of high-yielding cereal varieties per hectare and the considerable increase in gluten consumption, today, consequently, we face a rising epidemic of disorders related to gluten consumption: ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; ȚURCANU, Dinu (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2020)
    Cereals and cereal products are the basic element in ensuring the food security of the population. Most cereal-based foods contain gluten. Nutritional therapy is the only treatment for people with gluten-related disorders. ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; COVALIOV, Eugenia; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    Due to the widespread use of antibiotics, the bad ecological situation, fermented milk drinks are gaining more and more popularity because of associating with an array of health benefits. Fermented milk products contain a ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; COȘCIUG, Lidia (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2022)
    Soriz (Sorghum oryzoidum) is a relatively new cereal of hybrid origin obtained at the Research Institute for Maize and Sorghum of Moldova. This paper presents and analyzes the results of the study of essential minerals ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; ȚURCANU, Dinu (V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020)
    The research focused on studying the impact of sourdough with spontaneous flora (SSF) (obtained also from gluten-free flour) and artizanal technologies on the quality indices of cozonac — a traditional pastry product. ...
  • COVALIOV, Eugenia; GROSU, Carolina; POPOVICI, Violina; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; SIMINIUC, Rodica; RESITCA, Vladislav (University Dunarea de Jos, Galati, 2021)
    In this research, an integrated physico-chemical and sensory approach was implemented to study the impact of sea buckthorn addition in a fermented dairy product such as yoghurt. Yoghurt samples were prepared with the ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; COVALIOV, Eugenia; RADU, Oxana; SIMINIUC, Rodica (National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Ukraine, 2022)
    The present research discusses the carob pastry sauce production without sugar addition and highlighting its functional and physico-chemical properties. The incorporation of carob pod or bean powder in pastry sauces to ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; RADU, Oxana; COVALIOV, Eugenia; POPOVICI, Violina; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022)
    This study provides the first insight into the biologically active potential (total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, tannins and antioxidant activity) of Moldavian сarob beans and pod pulp in comparison with carob grown in ...
  • COVALIOV, Eugenia; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; RESITCA, Vladislav; SUHODOL, Natalia; GROSU, Carolina; SIMINIUC, Rodica (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2022)
    Pasta is very popular among different groups of the population, being a healthy and cheap product. Therefore, pasta is a promising object for its enrichment with functional ingredients. The paper examined the possibility ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; ŢURCANU, Dinu (Frontiers Media S.A., 2022)
    Food security is an important lever for the implementation of rights-based legislation, policies, and programs, while being a public health and socio-economic priority. Foodborne illnesses have a major impact on public ...
  • CAPCANARI, Tatiana; COVALIOV, Eugenia; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; POPOVICI, Violina; RADU, Oxana; SIMINIUC, Rodica (National University of Food Technologies, Kiev Ukraine, 2023)
    Studies of the physico-chemical composition of the carob beans and the pulp of the pods originating from four countries are present. The studied four carob bean and pod samples originating from different world regions were ...
  • SIMINIUC, Rodica; ŢURCANU, Dinu (National University of Food Technologies (Kyiv, Ukraine), 2023)
    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the most common disorders faced by women of reproductive age. More than 200 symptoms of varying severity associated with PMS have been identified. Because of the broad spectrum of ...