2019: Recent submissions

  • PAUNESCU, Ana-Maria (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Creierul nostru este artizanul fericirii sau nefericirii noastre. La fel, și universul nostru emoțional. Cam asta este ce ar spune cei care consideră, cu maturitate, că suntem intr-o mare măsură noi în sine responsabili ...
  • PÂNTEA, Serghei (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Realitatea socială arată că o pondere considerabilă a infractorilor fac uz de tehnologiile moderne, sunt în pas cu cele mai noi schimbări în domeniu, ceea ce îngreunează mult activitatea de prevenire, relevare și combatere ...
  • MORNEALA, Alexandru (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Majoritatea oamenilor ar dori să obțină succese în viață, dar nu știu ce trebuie să facă pentru aceasta și de aceea preferă să nu facă nimic.Vestimentatia e un principal factor in formarea unui viitor: “Haina il face pe ...
  • MITITELU, Maia (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Astazi eu Mititelu Maia studenta la Facultatea ,,Tehnologia Produselor Alimentare ,, aşi dori să vorbesc despre o temă destul de importantă şi anume –Securitatea Alimentară si Produsele din carne ,si anume despre rolul ...
  • MAFTEI, Vitalie (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    În filosofie se evidenţiază mai multe paradigme de a interpreta – obiectul ei de studiu, a corelaţiei cu alte sfere a vieţii sociale, a funcţiilor, a metodelor şi înseşi a definiţiei acestei ştiinţe. De un interes sporit ...
  • CARASIOVA, Aliona (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    In prezentarea mea a-şi dori sa evidentiez aportul negativ a adaosurilor nocive asupra sănătăţii omului. Consider că aceasta este o problemă actuală, care merită a fi cunoscută de fiecare consummator. În special vreau să ...
  • PEGZA, Ana; DUBAC, Victoria (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    L’agriculture est un secteur important de l’économie nationale, un pays agro-industrielle, qui doit contribuer fortement a l’excédent commercial. La majorité de la population moldave se trouve dans une zone rurale, d’où ...
  • MERZÎNCU, Mihaela (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    L’article aborde le sujet de la qualité gastronomique désignée par les étoiles Michelin. L’auteur s’interroge, tout d’abord, sur les origines du Guide Michelin pour montrer ensuite comment il arrive à toucher le domaine ...
  • ZGLAVUȚA, Marina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Translation is the process of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of an equivalent text, also called a translation, that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be ...
  • Cristian, ULMANU (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    A kernel is a central component of an operating system. It acts as an interface between the user applications (software) and the hardware. The sole aim of the kernel is to manage the communication between the software ...
  • TENDLER, Ilana (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Spicy food is enjoyed all over the world because spices add an incredible amount of flavor to what you eat. Different cultures all over the world have dishes that excite and stimulate your palate with spices and add heat ...
  • SANDULEAC, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The following text is written based on the experience, accumulated during a six-month amateur literary translation and it is related with the met difficulties of translation from Korean from the point of view of reliability ...
  • RAZLOVAN, Răzvan (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Nowadays the need of energy efficiency and sustainable solutions in the industry is more prominent than ever. People are in a constant search of new ways to switch from fossil fuels to other sources of energy which are ...
  • PÎNZARU, Mihaela (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Translation is very important in every day life, because it helps to mentain connections between nations, to find out more information about other country’s life and to observe the differences between cultures which make ...
  • PETERMAN, Tatiana (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Intercultural communication is an adequate mutual understanding of two participants of a communicative act belonging to different national cultures. The problem of relations between language, culture and the interlocutors ...
  • COJOCARI, Paula (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    A franchise is a contract through which a person, called a franchisor, grants to another person, the franchisee, the right to exploit a set of intellectual property rights for the purpose of producing or marketing certain ...
  • Irina, ONOFREI (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The business world is characterised by fierce competition and in order to win new customers and retain the existing ones, the firms have to distinguish themselves from the competition. But they also need to create and ...
  • JANU, Mihai; MELNIC, Alexandrina (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Sustainable fashion is a part of the growing design philosophy and movement towards environmental and social sustainability, the goal of which is to create a system which can be supported in terms of human impact on the ...
  • IEȘANU, Cristian (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    Green marketing refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in itself or produced in an environmentally friendly ...
  • DOMINIC, Artiom (Tehnica UTM, 2019)
    The article examines stage of online learning in the modern society. Author takes historical review on the problem of education using modern approaches in form of e-learning. Analyzing by comparison methods the advantages ...

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