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Syndrome of the trephined and custom made cranioplasty using virtual surgical planning. A series of 10 cases

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dc.contributor.author PECIUL, Andrei
dc.contributor.author STRÎŞCA, Stanislav
dc.contributor.author DOGARU, Constanţa
dc.contributor.author SÎRBU, Dumitru
dc.contributor.author SONTEA, Victor
dc.contributor.author SAVIŢCHI, Evelina
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-11T11:08:34Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-11T11:08:34Z
dc.date.issued 2020
dc.identifier.citation PECIUL, Andrei, STRÎŞCA, Stanislav, DOGARU, Constanţa et al. Syndrome of the trephined and custom made cranioplasty using virtual surgical planning. A series of 10 cases. In: Journal of Engineering Science. 2020, Vol. 27(2), pp. 87-94. ISSN 2587-3474. eISSN 2587-3482. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 2587-3474
dc.identifier.issn 2587-3482
dc.identifier.uri https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3784358
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.utm.md/handle/5014/8885
dc.description.abstract Cranial defects often occur after trauma, neurosurgical procedures like decompressive craniotomy, tumor resections, infection and congenital defects. Because prosthesis production is often costly and requires complex intraoperative processes, this paper reviews clinical data of syndrome of the trephined and its treatment by means of cranioplasty with the application of newer technologies such as virtual surgical planning, computer-aided design, as well as computer-aided manufacturing in order to give the opportunity to fabricate custom-made polymethylmethacrylate implants. Implant customized manufacturing for cranioplasty allows for a precise and anatomical reconstruction in a shorter operating time compared to other conventional techniques. We present a simple protocol, low-cost method for prosthesis manufacturing that ensures surgical success. In this case series on 10 patients with cranial defects are presented to describe the digital technique. In an open-source software’s virtual prosthesis is designed and manufactured with the aid of 3D-printing technology. Then the anatomical model, designed plate and the tow molds are printed using a DLP 3D printer, which then is used in a laboratory to cast the final customized prosthesis in polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). en_US
dc.description.abstract Defectele craniene apar adesea după traumatisme, proceduri neurochirurgicale precum craniotomia decompresivă, rezecţiile tumorale, infecţia și defectele congenitale. În acest articol, autorii prezintă date clinice cu privire la sindromul craniului trepanat cât și metoda de tratament chirurgical al acestuia – cranioplastia, utilizând tehnologiile contemporane de planificare chirurgicală virtuală, proiectare asistată de calculator și reproducere asistată de calculator cu fabricarea individualizată a matricelor pentru obţinerea implanturilor personalizate din polimetil-metacrilat. Fabricarea personalizată a implanturilor pentru cranioplastie permite o reconstrucţie precisă și anatomică scurtând timpul intraoperator comparativ cu alte tehnici convenţionale. Vă prezentăm un protocol simplu, de fabricare a protezelor individualizate din PMMA, cu costuri reduse. În această lucrare, sunt prezentaţi 10 pacienţi cu diferite defecte craniene pentru a descrie tehnica digitală. Utilizând software-uri open-source, proteza virtuală este proiectată și fabricată prin intermediul tehnologiei de imprimare 3D. Modelul anatomic, placa proiectată și matrice sunt tipărite folosind o imprimantă 3D-DLP, ulterior în laborator rășina este introdusă în matrice astfel obţinându-se proteza finală personalizată din polimetil metacrilat (PMMA). ro
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Tehnica UTM en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject trephined en_US
dc.subject cranioplasty en_US
dc.subject polymethylmethacrylate en_US
dc.subject virtual surgical planning en_US
dc.subject surgical planning en_US
dc.subject computer-aided design en_US
dc.subject computer-aided manufacturing en_US
dc.subject craniu trepanat en_US
dc.subject cranioplastie en_US
dc.subject polimetil-metacrilat en_US
dc.subject imprimare 3D en_US
dc.title Syndrome of the trephined and custom made cranioplasty using virtual surgical planning. A series of 10 cases en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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