Articole din publicaţii internaţionale: Recent submissions

  • COJUHARI, Irina (Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași, 2010)
    This paper proposes a tuning algorithm of linear controllers P, PI, PID in the multiple-loop feedback control systems. The control object consists of two subprocesses, which are described by the dynamical models with ...
  • NASTAS, Vitalie; NICOLAEV, Pavel (Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași, 2010)
    An impedancemeter based on the method of simulated resonance for impedance components measuring is presented. The impedancemeter is based the on serial resonant measuring circuit and containing an impedance simulator as ...
  • AMBROS, Tudor; URSATII, Nicolae (Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iași, 2010)
    The paperwork illustrates a synchronous generator with permanent magnets where the winding is mounted directly on the interior side of the no slotted armature, which simplifies the design technology for this type of ...
  • BOINCEAN, Boris; KASSAM, Amir; BASCH, Gottlieb; REICOSKY, Don; GONZALEZ, Emilio; REYNOLDS, Tony; ILUSCA, Marina; CEBOTARI, Marin; RUSNAC, Grigore; CUZEAC, Vadim; BULAT, Lidia; PASAT, Dorian; STADNIC, Stanislav; GAVRILAS, Sergiu; BOAGHII, Ion (AIMS Press, 2016)
    As the world population and food production demands rise, keeping agricultural soils and landscapes healthy and productive are of paramount importance to sustaining local and global food security and the flow of ecosystem ...
  • SAVA, Lilia; NISTIRIUC, Ana; CHIHAI, Andrei; NISTIRIUC, Pavel; ANDRONIC, Serghei (National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest, 2022)
    Adjustable optical attenuator (AOA) based on magnetoreological fluid (MRF) , which possesses SMART properties, can be used to adjust the power level of the optical signal when adjusting and measuring the parameters of ...
  • SAVA, Lilia; NISTIRIUC, Ana; CHIHAI, Andrei; NISTIRIUC, Pavel; ANDRONIC, Serghei (National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest, 2022)
    Currently, the issues of creating effective screens for the laboratory of electromagnetic compatibility, protection of electronic equipment and people from external electromagnetic radiation in the entire frequency range ...
  • SAVA, Lilia; NISTIRIUC, Ana; CHIHAI, Andrei; NISTIRIUC, Pavel; ANDRONIC, Serghei (National Institute for R&D in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA, Bucharest, 2022)
    This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of two methods for estimating electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication systems. The first method makes it possible to determine the permissible noise power ...
  • ZACUȚELU, Marcel (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    The main objectives of the study were to identify foods rich in trans fats preferred by the adult population of the Republic of Moldova and to analyze the practices, attitudes and behavior regarding the consumption of foods ...
  • PODREZ, Anastasia (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    Walnuts are exposed to the risk of oxidative damage, during storage and transportation, this causes an external change. Walnuts become brown and bitter. Phenolic compounds that are contained in high amounts in the pellicle ...
  • MORARI, Sergiu; MALAI, Larisa (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    The European Union is the world's second largest producer of honey after China, with an average production of 230,000 tonnes per year, a total of 17.5 million hives owned by 650,000 beekeepers. The Republic of Moldova has ...
  • IPIROTI, Nicoleta (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    The consumption of fermented foods in the world is known through the following products: gundru sinki, mula gundru and narzi, sauerkraut, tempeh, natto, miso, kimchi, kombucha, kefir and others. In the Republic of Moldova, ...
  • GUȚU, Crina (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    This article investigates the processes that take place during the forced thermo-oxidation of sunflower oil. The results obtained in the study showed a major impact of thermo-oxidation on the physico-chemical indicators ...
  • GRAUR, Livia (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    The objective of the study was to assess the particularities of the consumption of salt-rich food products in the Republic of Moldova. A questionnaire on this issue was applied to achieve this goal. The main objectives of ...
  • BOIȘTEAN, A.; CHIRSANOVA, A.; CIUMAC, J. (Galaţi University Press, 2019)
    Wine Vinegar is a vinegar obtained from wine by acetous fermentation and in which the maximum level for volatile acids in the raw materials may be exceeded. Of course well known and has occasioned the wine and vinegar trade ...
  • BOISTEAN, A.; CHIRSANOVA, A.; CIUMAC, J.; GAINA, B. (Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România, 2019)
    Cercetarea a fost dezvoltată pentru a cuantifica în mod fiabil și precis evoluția indicilor fizico-chimici (densitate, conținut de zahăr, pH, aciditate și alcool) în timpul fermentației alcoolice a sucurilor de struguri ...
  • MARCU, Oxana (Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania, 2020)
    Within this study, was analyzed the technology of obtaining wine vinegar from grape concentrate. Optimal conditions were established for the alcoholic and acetic fermentation of the grape concentrate.
  • BOIȘTEAN, Alina; POPOVICI, Violina (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos", Galaţi, 2021)
    The aim of this study is to develop a new soft drink technology based on local fruits and white wine vinegar. The process includes the use of natural ingredients in the following ratio of components.
  • БОИШТЯН, А. В.; КИРСАНОВА, А. И.; РУБЦОВ, С. Л.; КИСЕЛИЦА, Н. (ФНЦПС им. В. М. Горбатова Российской Академии Наук, 2020)
    Представлены результаты исследований по изолированию уксусно- кислых бактерий с гроздьев винограда, виноматериалов и органического уксуса и выявление максимального источника активных и жизнеспособных уксуснокислых бактерий ...
  • BOISTEAN, Alina; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; CIUMAC, Jorj; GAINA, Boris (Federal Research Center for Food Systems of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2020)
    In this study, the physicochemical properties of Italian and German bentonites were evaluated, including the physicochemical characteristics of white wine vinegar. Once established, the optimal clarification regime and its ...
  • STURZA, Rodica; GĂINĂ, Boris; IONETE, Roxana Elena; COSTINEL, Diana (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, 2019)
    În monografia "Autenticitatea și inofensivitatea produselor uvologice" sunt analizate problemele legate de autenticitatea vinurilor și factorii de agresiune asupra strugurilor și produselor din struguri, care pot afecta ...

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