Articole din publicaţii internaţionale: Recent submissions

  • EFROS, Tincuța (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2022)
    In this article, we aimed to elucidate several general aspects with reference to the appearance of the first stairs, their type, the raw materials of manufacture, the constructive aspects, as well as the deep symbolism ...
  • PLATON, Liliana (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2022)
    In the present work, an important objective in the track record of the national culture and art of the Republic of Moldova is analyzed, being the National Theater “M. Eminescu” from Chisinau. Historically, the theater ...
  • EFROS, Tincuța (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2022)
    Oral history offers more opportunities to study the material and cultural life of our people. In this context, the discussions with the eyewitnesses of the events, the interviews, the narratives from the direct actors of ...
  • OSTAPOV, Alina (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2022)
    Urban planning and architecture of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR) was the topic of interest for several authors. There is general research or dedicated to certain aspects of this period. These include the ...
  • CREȚU, Alina (Authentication and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Research and Technique, Iași, 2022)
    În același timp clasicist și modernist, John Barman este cunoscut pentru stilul său clar, sofisticat, pentru ideile noi, îndrăznețe și pentru punctul de vedere puternic.
  • MACARI, Vasile; RUDIC, Valeriu; GUDUMAC, Valentin; PISTOL, Gheorghe; PUTIN, Victor; ROTARU, Ana; BAKER, Zuabi (Universitatea de Științe Agricole și Medicină Veterinară "Ion Ionescu de la Brad", Iași, 2020)
    Cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis is widely used as a biotransformer of bioelements and as a producer of biologically active substances with a wide spectrum of use. The current study is aimed at objectively examining the ...
  • BONDAR, Adrian; MACARI, Vasile; RUDIC, Valeriu; PISTOL, Gheorghe; PUTIN, Victor; ROTARU, Ana; CHIRIAC, Tatiana; SOLCAN, Carmen (Romanian Journal of Veterinary Medicine & Pharmacology, 2023)
    Spirulina platensis este o microalgă cu activitate biologică antioxidantă, imunomodulatoare și antiinflamatoare, iar, în prezent, este utilizată pentru a produce suplimente nutritive bogate în proteine, acizi grași esențiali, ...
  • BONDAR, A.; MACARI, V.; RUDIC, V.; PISTOL, G.; PUTIN, V.; ROTARU, A.; CHIRIAC, T.; SOLCAN, G.; SOLCAN, C. (Belo Horizonte MG: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Escola de Veterinária, 2022)
    Spirulina platensis is a microalga with biological activity used to produce nutritional supplements rich in proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The current study aims to prove the impact of the product ...
  • POPESCU, Liliana; SORAN, Maria-Loredana; LUNG, Ildiko; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    This study investigated the antioxidant activity of extracts from three aromatic plants - Ocimum basilicum L., Satureja hortensis L. and Rosmarinus officinalis L., encapsulated in alginate.
  • RADU, Oxana; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; COVALIOV, Eugenia; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    Due to palm oil's availability, stability, and relative safety, it is now widely used in the production of bakery, confectionery, dairy and sausage products, etc. The wide range of these goods on the local market has ...
  • BANTEA-ZAGAREANU, Valentina (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    The research aims to incorporate a natural sweetener into the composition of a product based on parboiled dough with filling and identify the optimal processing factors and conditions for the dough and filling. Physico-chemical ...
  • TROHINA, Ana; CHIRSANOVA, Aurica; BOIŞTEAN, Alina (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    The aim of the study was to characterize some rheological parameters of beta-glucan isolated by two methods from the wine lees obtained after the manufacture of three red wines: Feteasca Neagra, Rara Neagra and Craft wine.
  • STARCIUC, Nicolae; JUNCU, Olga; OSADCI, Natalia (Biomedical Research Network, LLC, 2018)
    The goal of the proposed research was to establish the diversity of the pathogenic serotypes of Salmonella spp. in the poultry enterprises which produce meat and eggs for consumption and to determine the critical points ...
  • NEGOIȚA, Cătălina; CAPCANARI, Tatiana; COVALIOV, Eugenia (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    The development of "functional foods" with positive effects on human health was the goal of this work, which aims to valorize agricultural waste sources, particularly hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) oil cake, by the extraction ...
  • RUSEVA, Olga; COVALIOV, Eugenia; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; REŞITCA, Vladislav; SUHODOL, Natalia (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    In Republic of Moldova, wide researches are done concerning the posibility of valorisation of wine waste. On one hand, the majority part of the studies are based on the extraction of biologicaly active compounds in order ...
  • BOESTEAN, Olga; BULGARU, Viorica; GHENDOV-MOȘANU, Aliona; NETREBA, Natalia; STURZA, Rodica (Ştefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    In this paper, results are presented regarding the substitution of wheat flour with lentil flour in concentrations of 1, 5, 10 and 15%, in the cookies recipe.
  • BULGARU, Viorica; POPESCU, Liliana; GHENDOV-MOŞANU, Aliona; ILKAY, Şensoy; MAZUR, Sergiu; PAIU, Sergiu; STURZA, Rodica (Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, 2023)
    In the present work, the content of starch and proteins in the soryz grains was analyzed, using standard methods of analysis.
  • JUNCU, Olga; STARCIUC, Nicolae; OSADCI, Natalia; BORDOS, Xenia; PANFILII, Alexandru (Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară, 2016)
    The investigations were based on determining the presents and diversity of bacterial microflora of chicken carcasses in the trading period. As a result it was determined that the variation of microflora is composed from ...
  • JUNCU, Olga; STARCIUC, Nicolae; OSADCI, Natalia; MOSCALIC, Roman (Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Biotehnologii în Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară, 2021)
    The aim of the proposed investigation was to establish the incidence of the bacterial microflora of the genus Salmonella spp. presented in some poultry farms as well as in poultry carcasses and eggs sold in the food network ...
  • JUNCU, Olga; STARCIUC, Nicolae; PETCU, Igor (Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, 2022)
    The aim of the proposed research was to monitor the epidemiological situation of the incidence of bacteria of the genus Salmonella spp. in some broiler farms, as well as in the carcasses of broiler chickens. The research ...

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