Articole din publicaţii internaţionale: Recent submissions

  • SCRIPCENCO, Angela; CEBAN, Irina; CÎRJA, Jana; IVAȘCO, Victoria; PLUGARU, Violeta ("Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, 2012)
    To ensure a comfortable life activity of people with various diseases clothing should take into account the peculiarities of the course and treatment of disease and should be a different type of clothes than the usually ...
  • YAO, Meiling; WANG, Fei; ARPENTIN, Gheorghe (EDP Sciences, 2023)
    With an increasing concern of the food security, more and more winemakers choose bioprotection as an alternative of SO2 in winemaking process as a practice of natural wine producing. In order to insight a way to produce ...
  • YAO, Meiling; WANG, Fei; ARPENTIN, Gheorghe (EDP Sciences, 2022)
    For the conventional vineyard, reducing the pesticide usage is the most important issue for converting to organic vineyard. In order to study the effect of pesticide usage on grape yeast, an investigation were designed in ...
  • WANG, Fei; YAO, Meiling; BREAHNA, Elizaveta; ARPENTIN, Gheorghe (Всероссийский Национальный Научно-Исследовательский Институт Виноградарства и Виноделия «Магарач» РАН», 2022)
    Wine industry of Moldova is a strategic priority branch of national economy. Local variety Fetească Neagră (FN) represents the authenticity of terroir and region of Moldovan wines. Present study is based on sensory evaluation ...
  • MAMOICO, A.; MONAICO, E.V. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    This study investigates the effects of thermal treatment (TT) in air [1] on the morphology and chemical composition of copper oxide (CuO) films using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy ...
  • BUSUIOC, Simon; MONAICO, Eduard V. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    The goal of this work is to develop a cost-effective, highly selective, and sensitive non-enzymatic glucose sensor utilizing zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire arrays for biomedical applications. ZnO nanostructures have attracted ...
  • CRECIUNEL, C.; CIOBANU, V.; MONAICO, E.V. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    In this work, an optimized remote temperature control and monitoring system is proposed and developed for thermal treatment process. Particularly, Zn foils were used in experiments in order to fabricate ZnO nanostructures. ...
  • MONAICO, Elena I. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    In this study, the morphology of gold layers deposited by pulsed electrochemical deposition on GaAs substrates was investigated using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). By adjusting the pulse duration, it was demonstrated that ...
  • CIOBANU, V.; GALATONOVA, T.; URBANEK, P.; BRANISTE, T.; DOROFTEI, F.; MASAR, M.; SULY, P.; URSAKI, V.; HANULIKOVA, B.; SOPIK, T.; SEDLARIK, V.; KURITKA, I.; TIGINYANU, I. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    This study reports on the fabrication of a novel photocatalyst material characterized by ultra-porous structures formed from interconnected hollow microtetrapods of gallium nitride (GaN) or zinc oxide (ZnO). The specific ...
  • DOBROVOLSCHI, V.; RUSU, S.; TRONCIU, V. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    We report in this paper the numerical results of theoretical investigations of gene- ration of picosecond pulses by blue InGaN with saturable absorber (SA). Using the single mode rate equations, we study the influence ...
  • MONAICO, Eduard V. (University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 2024)
    Nowadays electrochemical methods present a viable alternative, offering a more accessible and flexible approach to design and fabricate semiconductor nanostructures. This work will cover the development of semiconductor ...
  • LUPU, Viorica; SOBETCHI, Vera; RAZMADZE, Marina; COSTIN, Liudmila (Economic Scientific Research Institute, Azerbaijan, 2024)
    This paper analyzes the importance and impact of using the AGRIS database on researchers from two countries - the Republic of Moldova and Georgia. The study was conducted in September- October 2022, using a mixed methodology ...
  • MACARI, Vasile; CHISELIȚA, Oleg; ROTARU, Ana; CHISELIȚA, Natalia; EFREMOVA, Nadejda; MAȚENCU, Dmitrii (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 2024)
    The research aimed to study the influence of a bioactive compex microbial product, obtained from yeast biomass from beer and wine industry wastes and residual cyanobacterial biomass (spirulina) after production of medicinal ...
  • SUGAC, Olga (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    The purpose of project activity is, ultimately, to promote in such a diverse world of modern industry the highest aesthetic and spiritual values, organically included in the structure of a technical object. Integration in ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica; VASILIEV, Nicoleta (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    Packaging plays a vital role in product production and distribution, ensuring protection, presentation, information, and promotion. Its design is influenced by the product's purpose and context. Functionality is determined ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica; ADASCALIŢA, Lucia (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    Current commercial practices involve operating with various marketing strategies aiming at the interested promotion of products by producers using labels with the appellations "ecofrendly", "eco", "bio", "biodegradable", ...
  • МАЦКАН-ЛІСЕНКО, Інга (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    У даному дослідженні розглядаються переваги та недоліки використання панорамних вікон та енергоефективність сучасних будівель. Використання енергії має багато переваг, таких як скорочення викидів CO2, зменшення імпорту ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica; VASILIEV, Nicoleta (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    Packaging plays a vital role in product production and distribution, ensuring protection, presentation, information, and promotion. Its design is influenced by the product's purpose and context. Functionality is determined ...
  • ADASCALIȚA, Lucia; CAZAC, Viorica; RAȚA, Nadejda (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    Global strategies to secure the planetary ecosystem include packaging as technological factors with a significant impact on the environment. In the tendency to reduce the economic effort required by packaging found in the ...
  • SСRIPCHENСO, Angela; PASHKEVYCH, Kalynа; SCRIPCENCO, Alexandr (Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2024)
    The paper consider the problem of designing inclusive clothing for people with disabilities, as invalides and aged people. The differences between adaptive and inclusive clothing are examined. The concept of an inclusive ...

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