Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • NETREBA, Natalia; BOEȘTEAN, Olga; GUREV, Angela; DRAGANCEA, Veronica (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2022)
    Scopul cercetărilor a fost de a studia caracteristicile fizico-chimice ale semințelor de struguri. Au fost studiate probe semințe de struguri din soiurile Chardonnay și Pinot cultivate în Republica Moldova. Au fost determinate ...
  • CRUCIRESCU, Diana (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2022)
    Legumele sunt alimente sănătoase și foarte hrănitoare, dar perisabile, cu un termen de valabilitate foarte scurt. Conservarea acestora ne permite consumul lor pe parcursul anului. Actualmente, o problemă majoră pentru ...
  • SUBOTIN, Iurie; MACARI, Artur; DRUŢĂ, Raisa (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2022)
    In this paper, the importance of using harmless food packaging, a current problem for the food industry, was analyzed. The regulatory acts of the European Union and their concordance with the national legislation were ...
  • MUNTEANU, Rita (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2023)
    Simbolurile statului conferă societatea comunității, îndeplinind în același timp o funcție de stabilire a ordinii. Ele cresc șansele statului de a promova procesul de identificare a cetățenilor cu valorile sale politice ...
  • BALTAGA, Ecaterina (Universitatea de Stat "Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu", Cahul, 2023)
    Investigarea temei privind protecția datelor cu caracter personal a fost efectuată cu scopul de a evalua semnificația, valoarea și importanța acordată confidențialității și protecției datelor cu caracter personal. Am făcut ...
  • VIŞANU, Vitali; ȚISLINSCAIA, Natalia; DODON, Adelina; BALAN, Mihail; MELENCIUC, Mihail (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2022)
    The aim of this work is to determine the optimal technical parameters such as temperature, air speed and slice thickness when drying by the forced convection method and magnetron intensity for the method of applying ...
  • CUŞMENCO, Tatiana; BULGARU, Viorica; SANDULACHI, Elisaveta; MACARI, Artur (Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2022)
    Milk is an excellent source of well-balanced nutrients and shows, also, biological activity that influence digestion, metabolic responses to absorbed nutrients and disease resistance. In this paper, 3 yogurt samples were ...
  • ZGARDAN, Dan; MITINA, Irina; STURZA, Rodica; MITIN, Valentin; RUBTOV, Silvia; GRAJDIERU, Cristina; BEHTA, Emilia; INCI, Fatih; HACIOSMANOGLU, Nedim (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2023)
    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are ubiquitous wine spoilage microorganisms causing significant economic damage to winemakers. Considering difficulties in their isolation through traditional microbiological methods, it would ...
  • ZGARDAN, Dan; MITINA, Irina; MITIN, Valentin; BEHTA, Emilia BEHTA; RUBTOV, Silvia; BOISTEAN, Alina; STURZA, Rodica; MUNTEANU, Maria (University of Bacău, 2022)
    Acetic acid bacteria (AAB) are considered one of the most common wine spoilage microorganisms. They are still difficult to cultivate on laboratory media, which highlights the importance of alternative methods of detection ...
  • STURZA, Rodica; MITIN, Valentin; MITINA, Irina; BUGA, Alexandra; ZGARDAN, Dan; BEHTA, Emilia (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    Salmonella enterica serovars is a leading cause of human gastroenteritis, and the incidence of salmonellosis is constantly increasing, causing millions of infections and many deaths annually. The detection of the pathogen ...
  • SANDULACHI, Elisaveta; BULGARU, Viorica; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    Increasing the shelf life of foods without the addition of synthetic additives is a demand from both producers and consumers. Spore-forming bacteria are a problem in the food industry. To reduce their impact, it is necessary ...
  • GUREV, Angela; DRAGANCEA, Veronica; BAERLE, Alexei; NETREBA, Natalia; BOESTEAN, Olga; HARITONOV, Svetlana; GAINA, Boris (Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 2022)
    The aim of this study was to perform a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the biologically active compounds in winemaking by-products. The properties of the lipophilic and hydrophilic extracts from the seeds recovered ...
  • RUSU, Mariana; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    The article examines the application of correlation analysis of experimental data in research into the process of extracting bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in plant extracts from berries and grape pomace. The ...
  • RUSU, Mariana; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica (Scientific Research Publishing Inc., 2021)
    This article focuses on the mathematical modelling of the extraction process of bioactive compounds from grape marc and berries (Aronia, rosehip, rowan, and hawthorn). The composition of the extraction medium (the concentration ...
  • POPESCU, Liliana; CEŞCO, Tatiana; GUREV, Angela; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica; TARNA, Ruslan (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2022)
    This study focused on the development of a yogurt with an improved structure, texture and antioxidant activity level, by using apple pomace (AP) powder that was obtained in large quantities during the production of juices. ...
  • IVANOVA, Mihaela; HANGANU, Anamaria; DUMITRIU, Raluca; TOCIU, Mihaela; IVANOV, Galin; STAVARACHE, Cristina; POPESCU, Liliana; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; STURZA, Rodica; DELEANU, Calin; CHIRA, Nicoleta-Aurelia (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2022)
    The saponification value of fats and oils is one of the most common quality indices, reflecting the mean molecular weight of the constituting triacylglycerols. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectra of fats and ...
  • GALBINEAN, Sergiu (BZT Academy Publishing House, 2023)
    We present a new direction in the indirect Boundary Element Method (BEM), based on discontinuous solutions. These solutions were obtained by Prof. Moraru Gheorghe by applying the generalized Fourier transform to the ...
  • GUREV, Angela; CESKO, Tatiana; DRAGANCEA, Veronica; GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; PINTEA, Adela; STURZA, Rodica (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2023)
    The article investigates the process of pectin extraction using ultrasonic and microwave techniques from apple pomace generated during juice production in the context of circular bioeconomy. The extraction yield, equivalent ...
  • GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; UNGUREANU-IUGA, Mădălina; MIRONEASA, Silvia; STURZA, Rodica (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2022)
    The article examines the opportunity to use extracts and Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot fruit powders in the production of sugar confectionery for the substitution of synthetic dyes. In the technology of manufacturing ...
  • GHENDOV-MOSANU, Aliona; POPOVICI, Violina; CONSTANTINESCU, Cristina Gabriela; DESEATNICOVA, Olga; SIMINIUC, Rodica; SUBOTIN, Iurie; DRUTA, Raisa; PINTEA, Adela; SOCACIU, Carmen; STURZA, Rodica (MDPI (Basel, Switzerland), 2023)
    Sunflower oil (Helianthus annuus) contains a rich concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are susceptible to rapid oxidative processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stabilizing effect of lipophilic ...

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