Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • AVRAM, I.; DIMITRACHI, S.; KOLPAKOVICI, I.; BALANICI, M.; BEREGOI, M.; ZUBAREV, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2008)
    This article presents the practical data obtained as a result of microwires absorption properties investigations of different composition, geometrical parameters and electromagnetic properties. The absorption properties ...
  • LUNGU, Valeriu; MUTAF, Vitali; NISTOR-LOPATENCO, Livia (Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi, 2020)
    Natural disasters bring death, destruction and social and economic disruption. Most are related to weather, climate and water. Statistics show that they tend to increase both in intensity and frequency. Without urgent and ...
  • CHIRIAC, V.; NISTOR-LOPATENCO, L.; GRAMA, V.; IACOVLEV, A.; JAGER, R.; SPOHN, P.; YOUNIS, G. (IAG Subcommission for Europe, 2011)
    Starting from 1999 a new reference system MOLDREF99 based on the ITRF97 and ETRS89 was established in Moldova. The realization of MOLDREF99 is the national GPS Network with density about 1 point per 15 sq. km. However, ...
  • BULAI, Rodica; CIORBĂ, Dumitru; POȘTARU, Andrei; CĂLIN, Rostislav (Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days, 2018)
    The complexity of information security does not resume to mere technicality, transferring significant liability to proper management. Risk analysis in information security is a powerful tool that comes in handy for managers ...
  • STANCIU, T.; POGORA, V.; PROTUC, I. (IEEE, 2002)
    Summary form only given, as follows. An experimental study of the influence of the antivortex generator on the gas dynamic characteristics of the plasma arc torch for cutting metals is presented. On the basis of this study ...
  • CUTIA, E.; ȚURCAN, V. (IOP Publishing, 2021)
    This article presents methods and software used to develop a seismic hazard map. As an example, the territory of the Republic of Moldova is being studied, which is affected by subcrustal earthquakes of medium depth in the ...
  • CUTIA, Evgheni; ȚURCAN, Vadim (Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi, 2020)
    This paper presents a comparison of the seismic design code used in Republic of Moldova (SNiP-7-81*) and European and non-European countries (Eurocode 8). The main scope of this article is to provide a detailed comparison ...
  • CUTIA, Evgheni (Universitatea Tehnică „Gheorghe Asachi” din Iaşi, 2018)
    This paper presents information on seismic hazard in Chișinău city, Republic of Moldova. Analyzing historical data, eyewitness statements, and records of the Institute of Geology and Seismology of the Academy of Science ...
  • TISLINSCAIA, Natalia; BERNIC, Mircea; LUPASCO, Andrei; ZAVIALOV, Vladimir; MELENCIUC, Mihail; TISLINSCAIA, Iana (“Vasile Alecsandri” University of Bacau, 2017)
    The engineering calculation of such dryer could be approximately done using Id-diagrams. There is such a diagram for air based dryers graphical and analytical calculation. The use of this diagram for CO2 modified environment ...
  • BALAN, Mihail (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2007)
    The essential increase in productivity a tomato occurs at local entering N20-60 before crop. Quality of fruits of a tomato in the greater degree was defined by conditions of year, than dozes, terms and methods of entering ...
  • BARBAROŞ, Mihail; BALAN, Mihail (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2007)
    Cultura protejata a căpşunului în ţările dezvoltate se practică sub adăposturi temporare sau permanente, fără căldură artificială, cum sunt tunele din folie de plastic, serele solar, clopoţele de sticlă etc. În condiţiile ...
  • POPESCU, V.; MALAI, L.; BALAN, M.; VOLCONOVICI, O.; MALAI, C. (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2022)
    The article presents the results of the research on determining the constructive and technological parameters of the reliable installation, intended for agricultural enterprises, which operate on the basis of the ...
  • COJUHARI, Andrei; MUNTEANU, Tatiana (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2019)
    The labour market is one of the most important components of the market economy. This article presents the analysis of the specific characteristics, features and functions of this market, as well as the analysis of different ...
  • LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2016)
    Actualmente, standardele europene stabilite accentuează aplicabilitatea unor noi forme de activitate vamală, control vamal, liberalizarea graduală a comerţului cu mărfuri, bunuri şi servicii, reducerea taxelor vamale, a ...
  • TĂBÎRȚĂ, Victoria; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat de Studii Europene din Moldova, 2019)
    Potrivit ştiinţei contemporane, sistemul reprezintă un ansamblu de elemente aflate în interacţiuni stabile. În cazul nostru sistemul electoral va desemna totalitatea proceselor şi procedeelor politice, juridice şi ...
  • MARIAN, Octavian; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2014)
    În societatea dominată de idealurile de dreptate, umanism şi democraţie, se caută o armonizare a relaţiilor dintre indivizi – ca parte, şi societate – ca întreg, această funcţie revenindu-i statului. Dreptul este văzut ca ...
  • CAZACU, Tudor; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat de Studii Europene din Moldova, 2019)
    Legislația electorală cuprinde informația de bază privitor la regulile care urmează să fie respectate de participanții la raporturile electorale în procesul de realizare a drepturilor și libertăților politice de către ...
  • LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat ”Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, 2012)
    Proceeding from the fact that the past is a valuable source of information and guidance of great significance for today and generations to come, a glimpse into the annals of distant times reveals first source for Romanian ...
  • ZAGORNEANU, Artur; LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2013)
    Înscrise în traficul european, relaţiile comerciale dintre Transilvania şi Ţările Româneşti sunt atestate documentar în sec. XIV, când prin constituirea statelor feudale centralizate, puterea comercială interesată în ...
  • LUPAŞCU, Zinaida (Ministerul Justiţiei al Republicii Moldova, 2016)
    The article explains the specifics of customs activity and the transformation process by passing the customs system of Moldova, and other countries and their commitments assumed in the European integration process of ...

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