Articole ştiinţifice: Recent submissions

  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău, 2018)
    Swearing is good or not? Is a fad, a mood, or a bad behavior. Swearing is by definition an aggressive, transgressive act. Its impact depends entirely on context. It is known, that the actual functions of verbal vulgarity ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău, 2020)
  • FILIPSKI, Tatiana (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2021)
    The following article represents a theoretical and practical study which emphasizes the importance of formative potential of museum education, which contributes to improvement of moral, cultural, civic and professional ...
  • HADJI-BANDALAC, Mariana (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2021)
    Within the university education process, visual communication is an important component in the training of architecture students, bringing to the knowledge, facts, messages, information that need to be continuously decoded. ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2021)
    With interest we note how the feeling of loneliness is so common today and more clearly defined in the literature than solitude. However, there is a big difference between solitude and loneliness, although the two terms ...
  • FILIPSKI, Tatiana (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2020)
    The following article represents a theoretical and practical study which emphasizes the importance of formative potential of museum education, which contributes to improvement of moral, cultural, civic and professional ...
  • HADJI-BANDALAC, Mariana (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2020)
    The methodological basis for studying visual signs and the meaning of messages encoded by language is visual semiology or semiotics.
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2020)
    There is a big difference between solitude and loneliness, although the two terms are often used as one and the same, but both generate extremely different experiences.
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2018)
    Interpretarea psihologică a culorilor nu este un limbaj 100% precis. Însă alături de alţi factori asociaţi comunicării vizuale, culoarea poate fi utilizată pentru a forma mesaje vizuale clare.
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Institutul de Ştiințe ale Educației, 2017)
    It is almost always spoken about the essential role of socio-human disciplines in university studies programs. Unfortunately, it makes to little to improve the situation. We are particularly interested in the role and how ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Institutul de Ştiințe ale Educației, 2021)
    Perception is a cognitive process with a complex structure. Through it a person not only receives various information from the senses about different objects, phenomena, events and situations, but also transforms them. ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, 2017)
    În cadrul diferitelor conferinţe naţionale şi internaţionale se vorbeşte aproape întotdeauna despre rolul esenţial al disciplinelor socio-umane în programele de studii universitare. Din nefericire, se face destul de puţin ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ; SIMION, Aliona (Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2021)
    Communication is a vital part of well-being, mental health and a quality life. Positive communication is really important in the workplace to create a happy educational work environment. By cultivating a work environment ...
  • TANASE, Oleg (C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania, 2015)
    The changes that occur in everyday life, as a natural evolution of things, concern either legal, political, bank or any other field, entail an objective change to rules and procedures of these areas specific to the social ...
  • TANASE, Oleg (C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania, 2015)
    The scientific analysis of the legal coercion subject is always performed in conjunction with state authorities - as public power. The study of this legal mechanism has as result the understanding of incompatibilities ...
  • TANASE, Oleg (C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania, 2018)
    Responsibility, as one of the fundamental principles of law, implies „the task of liability” as a function for the purposes of acceptance of a derogatory behavior. Although the concept of responsibility has been claimed ...
  • TANASE, Oleg (C.H. Beck Publishing House - Romania, 2019)
    By its nature, the democracy, as a concept, signifies the power that emanates from the people and belongs to it; but at the same time, the people have entrusted this power to be achieved by the state, which, by virtue of ...
  • BOGDANOVA, Svetlana (Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2020)
    In recent decades, some progress has been made in addressing gender equality issues.The significant changes that have taken place in the global economy due to scientific and technological progress have contributed to the ...
  • MAŢCAN-LÎSENCO, Inga (Academia de Muzică, Teatru şi Arte Plastice, 2015)
    În comunicarea dată se explică importanţa iluminării pentru realizarea interioarelor contemporane. Sunt specificate prin exemple (materiale, tehnici etc.) piesele de iluminat drept elemente necesare pentru obţinerea unei ...
  • SOROCHIN, Serafima; SAVA, Lilia; GUJUMAN, Lucia; VINOCUROVA, Marina (Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane”, Iaşi, 2021)
    This paper analyzes the notion of stress, types of stress, stress manifestation phases; differentiates positive and negative forms of stress, professional overload which is also a stress factor; lists commonly occurring ...

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