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Browsing 2016 (ediţia a 11-a, 16 -18 septembrie) by Author "CANTEMIR, Lorin"

Browsing 2016 (ediţia a 11-a, 16 -18 septembrie) by Author "CANTEMIR, Lorin"

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  • CANTEMIR, Lorin; BOSTAN, Ion; DULGHERU, Valeriu; DOROGAN, Valerian; PUIU, Vasile; MANOLI, Ilie; CARTOFEANU, Vasile; ZAPOROJAN, Sergiu; STRATAN, Zinaida; TUN, Mihai (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Studiul artefactelor are un pronunţat caracter multidisciplinar şi conţine diverse probleme de ordin ingineresc. De aceea, implicarea specialiştilor din ştiinţele exacte cu metodele lor de studiu în descifrarea mai ...
  • CANTEMIR, Lorin; ANTONOVICI, Constantin; ANDREI, Ştefan (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    The ellipse, hyperbola and parabola are familiar to anyone who has studied analytical geometry in high school. They were known and used by Greeks since antiquity, in constructions and theoretical geometry. Nowadays, the ...
  • CRISTOFOR, Teodora-Camelia; CANTEMIR, Lorin; BALTAG, Octavian (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Born in Iasi in 1863, engineer Dumitru Vasescu is the first Romanian who designed and produced the first Romanian steam car, characterized as “the most perfect car of that time”. Vasescu built the vehicle in Paris and ...
  • CRISTOFOR, Teodora-Camelia; CANTEMIR, Lorin; BALTAG, Octavian (Tehnica UTM, 2017)
    Professor at the Department of “Drawing and Descriptive Geometry” within the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Iasi starting with 1942, Alexandru Matei was a passionate of the engineless ...

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