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Elaborarea modelului termic pentru microsatelitul studenţesc SATUM

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dc.contributor.author OLARU, Irina
dc.contributor.author SECRIERU, Nicolae
dc.contributor.author ANDRONIC, Serghei
dc.date.accessioned 2019-12-05T08:13:45Z
dc.date.available 2019-12-05T08:13:45Z
dc.date.issued 2012
dc.identifier.citation OLARU, Irina, SECRIERU, Nicolae, ANDRONIC, Serghei. Elaborarea modelului termic pentru microsatelitul studenţesc SATUM. In: Telecommunication, Electronics and Informatics - ICTEI 2012: proc. of the 4th intern. conf., Technical University of Moldova, May 17-20, 2012. Chișinău, 2012, Vol. 2, pp. 278-281. ISBN 978-9975-45-082-9. en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-45-082-9
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.utm.md/handle/5014/7263
dc.description.abstract The thermal model of the microsatellite “SATUM RM” is being developed to be aware of the temperatures of every part of the spacecraft in every point of it's orbit. It is made by calculating the total heat inputs from all the environmental sources on all surfaces and from all electric power dissipated from the inside active components and the emission of heat into he space. The results obtained will be used for calculating the thickness (number of layers) of the MLI (Multi Layer Insulation) which will lead to thermal stabilization of the microsatellite. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Tehnica UTM en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject microsatelit en_US
dc.subject model termic en_US
dc.title Elaborarea modelului termic pentru microsatelitul studenţesc SATUM en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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