Facultatea Urbanism şi Arhitectură: Recent submissions

  • ANDRONIC, Radu; ANDRONOVICI, Diana (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    În prezentele indicaţii metodice sunt expuse pe scurt modalităţile de vizualizare a proiectelor de arhitectură în programul Lumion. Lucrarea este destinată studenţilor de la specialităţile Arhitectura şi Design interior ...
  • ANDRONIC, Radu; ANDRONOVICI, Diana; CARCEA, Ala (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2021)
    În indicaţiile metodice prezente sunt expuse pe scurt funcţiile comenzilor programului Allplan Architecture. Indicaţiile sunt destinate studenţilor cu profil artistic la specialităţile Arhitectura, Design interior şi ...
  • EPUREAN, Vladimir; CEBANIȚA, Ilie (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Image perception is do analytically by the gradual accumulation of presented information. Through composition, we mean placing informations (picture elements) in the frame so as to be perceived unified in a certain sequence, ...
  • MAŢCAN-LÎSENCO, Inga (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In order to create the contemporary architectural sculpture is need for the continuous search of forms, the development of technical craftsmanship on the one hand, the technology and substance seizure on the other hand. ...
  • MANȚUC, Elena; NEGRU, Andrei (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    High quality of laws and other legal acts, is one of the basic conditions of law enforcement efficiency, as well as gaps or shortcomings in the absence of government activity. Normative legal acts and perfectionpractice ...
  • MANȚUC, Elena; RUBLICEANU, Aurelian (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The current urbans subject is spatial planning, and as a function is his adaptation to the special needs of citys expressing. In this poin of view we have included in the content of this article the idea that urbanism ...
  • RUDIC, Otilia (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The functional and formalized spaces of the modernist movement are replaced by diverse aesthetic approaches; the stiles are clinking and are interpenetrating, the shapes are adopted for themselves, and appear new modalities ...
  • РОГОЖИН, Сергей (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Актуальность статьи обусловлена возрастающими требованиями к качеству проектирования объектов гражданского строительства Молдовы, в части обеспечения определѐнного уровня комфортности при пользовании вертикальным транспортом ...
  • POPUŞOI, Angela (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    В данной статье обсуждается одна из проблем урбанизма, а именно, ”пешеход – транспорт‟‟. Ещѐ до начало ХVIII века пешеходы в городе занимали главную роль. В процессе развития техники появился транспорт, который вытесняет ...
  • GONDIU, Marina,; VLAS-VEVERIŢĂ, Alina,; BARBĂ, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The entire human existence is being resumed to the simultaneous and coordinated reliance on different objects which an individual person perceives as of particular order. Therefore, all the objects which more or less satisfy ...
  • VLAS-VEVERIŢĂ, Alina; GONDIU, Marina; BARBĂ, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Design practice has changed considerably over the last 30 years, and one of the factors of this transformation consider to be the emergence of modern technologies, or rather the development of computing power of computers ...
  • PLĂMĂDEALĂ, Stela (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    În orce ambient casnic patul este una dintre piesele de mobilier cele mai importante. Fie că este un spaţiu de odihnă şi relacsare, un loc de convalescenţă sau un alcov al dragostei, patul este universul în care omul îşi ...
  • BARBĂ, Veronica; GONDIU, Marina; VLAS-VEVERIŢĂ, Alina (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Tendințele contemporane impun schimbări majore în stilurile de viaţă şi în comportamentele cotidiene a societății, iar designul mobilierului este influențat de numeroși factori, stiluri și direcții. Producerea de noi valori ...
  • COCIN, Alexandru; BARBA, Veronica (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In work actual problems of modern parks of the city of Kishinev are considered, the history of their creation is carried out the analysis of a current state and some recommendations about questions of restoration, ...
  • DUMITRAŞCU, Alexandra (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    To meet current urban problems requires a new way of management of cities. Urban management task is to improve the attractiveness of the city and its competitive position in a full, harmonious and sustainable. This can be ...
  • CALESTRU, Anastasia (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Acest articol este dedicat reabilitării termice şi tehnice a clădirilor construite până în anii 1980 în Republica Moldova. Sunt propuse câteva soluţii care aduc la micşorarea consumului energiei termice prin diminuarea ...
  • CIOBANU, Nicolae; SÎLI, Anatolie (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    The legislative framework for the protection of cultural-historical heritage of Moldova contains a series of laws. Planning and research of heritage began in the late „70s of last century. In 1993 was compiled "The register ...
  • ZESTREA, Petru (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Reţeaua de transport urban este o componenta importantă în satisfacerea cererii pieţii transportului urban de pasageri. Ca şi orice alt tip de transport public, dezavantajele pun la îndoială implementarea tramvaiului ca ...
  • TRONCIU, Sergiu (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    In the present study the author determined several stages of development of the fluvial city and the phases of functional existence of "show buildings" (initial function and the adapted functions). The "show buildings" in ...
  • MUNTEANU, Angela (Tehnica UTM, 2014)
    Nature has been and will be the main source of inspiration for inventors, artists, architects, poets, musicians, etc. As art from different fields such as: graphics, painting, and architecture and design will find inspired ...

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