Rezultatele prezentate se referă la studiul și evaluarea dezvoltării noilor soiuri de selecție în funcție de condițiile ecologice ale periferiei Codrilor Centrali. Scopul cercetării a fost: evidențierea cursului fazelor ...
Soil is the one of the basic elements of the environment. The agroecosystems created by humans exert a negative influence on its physical properties as the structure is an inherent characteristic on which the fertility of ...
Agriculture had been and remains the only source of food for ever-increasing population, especially in the wake of demographic bursts in poorer countries. Its incidence with the global food crisis is increasing the efforts ...
Productivitatea pășunilor este influențată de condițiile ecologice - clima, relieful, alcătuirea geologică, rețeaua hidrografi că, învelișul de sol. Conform cercetărilor au fost evidențiate unele legități ale nivelului ...
Microflora and microfauna in the soil is the most important living rhizosphere and consists of bacteria, cyanobacteria, fungi, algae and protozoa. Because of their mineralization of organic substances takes place and make ...
A study was carried out in the central and southern zones of wine growing of Moldova Republic, to evaluate the influence of biological active substances on the productivity of vines and quality of grapes. It was established ...
The investigations of the effect of the growth regulators steroid nature were carried out in the process of the production of vines on purpose to elaboration and perfection of the technology of their application in practice. ...
It was established that the treatment of apical part of the grafted cuttings before their packing on callusing by biological active substances auxin (Calovit) and steroid (Ecostim) nature leads to intensification of processes ...
The study of the physiological and biochemical particularities of growth, photosynthetic activity and productivity of grafted grape plants, originating from different ecological and geographical zones, were carried out.
The article presents the results of many years of research on the use of biologically active substances of different types of action, on the regeneration processes when grafting grafted grapes, output of grafted and quality ...
An important component in the agricultural technology tillage system with a view to creating favorable conditions for plant growth and development, leading to modification of the physical condition of the soil and taking ...
In this paper researches were conducted under agrocenoses autumn wheat in crop rotation (after beans) on sandy loam carbonate chernozem of SDE Chetrosu. Purpose and research tasks are to establish changes in cellulolytic ...
This paper presents the results of researches on revealing the conditions for the assessment of manifestations of the chlorosis in grape plantings of separate farm of the eastern and southern spurs of Codru region. The ...
Prezenta publicație este realizată și finanțată în cadrul Programului Rural de Reziliență Economico-Climatică Incluzivă (PRRECI), implementat de către Unitatea Consolidată pentru Implementarea Proiectelor (UCIP) IFAD. ...
The aim of the study was to determine cellulolytic activity depending on soil tillage in a long-term crop rotation under winter wheat agrocoenoses. There also were determined the cellulolytic activity in dependence of ...
The activity and izoenzymatic spectrum of proteins of the peroxidase have been studied in the phloem of vine, grafted cuttings of different scion-stock combinations. It was showed the direct dependence between the enzyme ...
The aim of this work was to evaluate cellulolytic activity depending on soil tillage system, weather conditions in a longterm crop rotation under sunflower agrocoenoses. The study was carried out at the Didactic Station ...
Researches concerning the dynamics of shoots’ growth and leaf area surface at some scions varieties introduced in the Republic of Moldova: Loose Perlette, Summer Muscat, Monukka and Italia, grafted on different rootstocks ...
Researches on photosynthetic activity of table grape varieties, introduced in Republic of Moldova: Loose Perlette, Summer Muscat, Monukka and Italia, grafted on different rootstocks were carried out. It was shown, that at ...
Currently degradation of soils globally gained a catastrophic character and is one of the main dangers of global ecological crisis. One way to mitigate degradation and natural restoring soils fertility long time to arable ...