2009: Recent submissions

  • БЛИНОВ, Валерий; ВЛАДОВ, Михаил (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    В докладе приведено описание Бортовой системы телеметрического контроля (БСТК) предназначенной для сбора, обработки, запоминания и передачи по 2-м радиолиниям телеметрической информации на наземные командно-телеметрические ...
  • БЛИНОВ, Валерий; ВЛАДОВ, Михаил (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    В докладе приведено описание бортовых антенно-фидерных устройств метрового (АФУ- L) и дециметрового диапазонов (АФУ- S), предназначенных для применения в составе командно-телеметрической и информационной радиолиний молдавского ...
  • СМЫСЛОВ, Владимир; ЯКУНИН, Владимир; БЕЛОЦЕРКОВСКИЙ, Игорь; СКУТЕЛЬНИК, Елена (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    A series of transducers of excess and absolute pressure with standard analog and digital outputs, applied for measurement and control of pressure and temperature, has been developed. The transducers are utilized in automated ...
  • POHOAŢĂ, Sorin; GRAUR, Adrian; MILICI, Dan-Laurenţiu (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    In modern television, TV images suffer various transformations resulting in a processed image, whose quality can be assessed through a series of conversion factors, which characterize the processing of the TV image. Video ...
  • MANU, Octavian; DIMIAN, Mihai; NIEUWENHUYSE, Anneleen Van; GRAUR, Adrian (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This paper presents an analysis of radiation pattern and beamforming in phased antenna arrays for indoor localization and scanning based on a triangulation technique. Beamforming is obtained and steered by applying a linear ...
  • CIURUŞ, I. M.; GRAUR, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The applications field of the optocouplers, in the case when the user has access to the optical path of the light beam, becomes larger and larger. Polaroid optocoupler LED–phototransistor is a device in which it is introduced ...
  • MOHAMMAD, Mohammad Gh. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Phase Change Memory (PCM) is the newest type of non-volatile memory that shall replace the currently wide spread flash memory. Recent research activities performed on PCM reliability and operation have identified special ...
  • BODIUL, P.; DRAGUTSAN, N.; COTYRSHEV, S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    An expression for the Fermi level displacement upon appearance of a disbalance between the carriers of electron and hole type is deduced. A model of two subsystems of carriers is suggested, which explains the experimentally ...
  • CHEPTEA, V.; NICORICI, A.; RUSU, A.; TODOSICIUC, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    În ultimul timp au fost elaborate mai multe metode de obţinere a deformaţiilor anizotropice a monocristalelor masive, mărimea relativă a cărora este de ∼1%. În lucrarea dată s-a studiat influenţa deformaţiilor anizotropice ...
  • ВЕНГЕР, Е. Ф.; ЕВТУШЕНКО, А. И.; МЕЛЬНИЧУК, Л. Ю.; МЕЛЬНИЧУК, А. В. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    С помощью метода нарушенного полного внутреннего отражения (НПВО) исследовано влияние сильного однородного магнитного поля на оптические и электрофизические свойства монокристалла ZnO с концентрацией свободных носителей ...
  • BURLACU, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This paper presents the results of electrochemical deposition of zinc oxide (ZnO) on zinc foil from zinc nitrate, zinc sulfate and hydrogen peroxide solutions. The equations of the chemical reactions taking place are ...
  • SHISHIYANU, Sergiu T.; GUEORGUIEV, Valentin K.; YILMAZ, Ercan; TURAN, Rasit; SHISHIYANU, Teodor S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The doses of γ –irradiation applied have been up to 80 Gray. The C-V characteristics seeing as the flat-band shift when exposed to γ – irradiation showed high sensitivity. Raman scattering measurements of the undoped ZrO2 ...
  • MUNTYANU, F. M.; CHISTOL, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Au fost studiate proprietăţile bicristalelor şi tricristalelor aliajelor Bi1-x - Sbx (x≤0.2) în intervalul de temperaturi (1.8 -100) K şi câmpuri magnetice de până la 70 kOe. S-a stabilit că la temperaturi joase bicristalele ...
  • CHAUDHRY, Amit; ROY, J. N. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    In this paper an analytical model has been developed to study the Energy Quantization Effects occurring in the MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Oxide) under various conditions. These effects have resulted ...
  • IOVU, M. A.; HAREA, D. V.; IASENIUC, O.; COLOMEICO, E. P.; MESHALKIN, A.; IOVU, M. S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The optical properties of chalcogenide glasses present a great scientific interest for the establishment of the general legitimacy of interaction of the optical irradiation with the amorphous solids, as well as a practical ...
  • LUPAN, Elena; CIORNEA, Viorel; IOVU, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The absorption spectra in the visible and near IR regions for Ga0.017Ge0.25As0.083S0.65 are investigated. The visible luminescence from Dy3+, and co-doped with Ho3+ and Dy3+ ions embedded in Ga0.017Ge0.25As0.083S0.65 glass ...
  • SINEAVSKII, E. P.; KARAPETYAN, S. A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    The mobility μ in the electric field E directed perpendicularly to surface of the lowdimensional system with consideration for the interaction of the carriers with the rough surface and longwave acoustic vibrations has ...
  • AL-AJMI, Mohammed A (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    This work provides an exact analytical dynamics of a cantilever beam bonded with a piezoelectric patch to extract the modal frequencies under open circuit and short circuit electrodes’ conditions. The modal open circuit ...
  • SCURTU, Roman; GAŞIN, Petru; COVALI, Andrei (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Au fost analizate proprietăţile electrice şi de luminescenţă ale structurilor Schottky ZnSe-Pd obţinute pe baza monocristalelor de ZnSe cu rezistivitatea de 0.78 Ω•cm şi concentraţia electronilor 1.82 1016 cm-3. S-a ...
  • NICA, Iurie; ZAVRAJNÎI, Serghei; COJOCARU, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2009)
    Work deals with the important and actual problem of oncology. The research problem provides the development of the device for procedures of local hypertermia of deeply located tumors. The developed device allows a constant ...

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