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Importanţa brandului în promovarea imaginii întreprinderii

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dc.contributor.author TUDOR, Angela
dc.contributor.author CARMANOVICI, Irina
dc.date.accessioned 2019-04-24T07:53:46Z
dc.date.available 2019-04-24T07:53:46Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.citation TUDOR, Angela, CARMANOVICI, Irina. Importanţa brandului în promovarea imaginii întreprinderii. In: Conferința Tehnico-Științifică a Colaboratorilor, Doctoranzilor și Studenților, Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 15-17 noiembrie, 2012. Chișinău, 2013, vol. 3, pp. 472-475. ISBN 978-9975-45-249-6. ISBN 978-9975-45-251-9 (Vol.3). en_US
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-45-249-6
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.utm.md/handle/5014/2229
dc.description.abstract This article justifies the necessity to build a trademark and brand and the benefits they canbring to the enterprise, partners and customers over time. This article aims to familiarize you with the main theoretical concepts of trademark and brand characterized in the literature, the differences between them, the typology of brands and their characteristic and the advantages of brand. So that brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or company (name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or combination of them) and how it relates to key elements such as customers, staff, partners, investors etc., but trademark serve to identify a particular business as the source of goods or services. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher Tehnica UTM en_US
dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States *
dc.rights.uri http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ *
dc.subject marcă en_US
dc.subject branduri fundamentale en_US
dc.subject branduri de prestigiu en_US
dc.subject super branduri en_US
dc.subject branduri „global-locale” en_US
dc.subject brandul personal en_US
dc.title Importanţa brandului în promovarea imaginii întreprinderii en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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