Modernizarea economiei necesită modernizarea în permanenţă a cercetării ştiinţifi ce, inovării şi învăţământului. Politica tehnologico-ştiinţifi că urmează să devină un element esenţial în elaborarea întregii politici interne şi externe a Republicii Moldova.
The basis for positive social and economic transformations is the scientific and technological progress, in which the scientific research is focusing mainly on systemic solutions for general human and social problems that should contribute to economic development. Economic growth does not mean also economic development. The rapid growth of GDP can not be achieved with traditional management that aims at adapting to the extern environment. In the management of research and development, as well as in the classic one, it is necessary to introduce synergistic management that is the management technology of development at various levels of socioeconomic systems. Synergistic management is focused on accelerated development and breakthrough in socio-economic systems, including scientific research, through creation of synergistic effects of new research, innovation and economic media. It is imperative for Moldova the development of innovative economic sector and its orientation to the real needs of the market; optimization of R&D system; integration of scientific research and higher education with the business; developing coherent and synchronous reform of science and education; establishment of research universities; development and implementation of joint state and business projects; creation of innovative infrastructure and liquidation of impediments in transforming of research results into final product or a new technology; fulfillment by the Government of its statement regarding spending up to 1% of GDP on R&D; confirmation of national R&D policies of Moldova to EU research policies; development of real strategy, based on theory of complex systems and gradual synergetic transition of science of Moldova to the European Research Area.