During two years and a half, starting in 2009, Moldova was involved in the European project EXTEND which aimed to enhance scientific and research co-operation between the Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus (EECA) countries and the EU, focusing specifically on the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) fi eld of the FP7. The consortium of 8 partners managed to map the key ICT research actors and capabilities from the EECA region, organizes several ICT training workshops and identify the top ICT research priorities, facilitating networking and dissemination of project achievements.
La 30 iunie 2011 s-a fi nisat proiectul PC7 EXTEND – www.extend-ict.eu (EXTENDing ICT research co-operation between the European Union, Eastern Europe and the Southern Caucasus), care s-a desfăşurat pe parcursul a 30 de luni, începând cu 1 ianuarie 2009. Proiectul EXTEND a fost unul de suport, partenerii acestuia fi ind două state membre UE (Grecia, România) şi şase state foste republici ale Uniunii Sovietice (Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ucraina). Din partea Republicii Moldova proiectul a fost reprezentat de Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei (www.asm.md), cu suportul activ al Institutului de Dezvoltare a Societăţii Informaţionale (www.idsi.md).