Conferințe: Recent submissions

  • ISACHI, Silvia Elena (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    In this paper, we will look at how improving energy efficiency and switching to renewable sources (solar, wind, hydroelectric) can support long-term sustainable development. Worldwide, energy efficiency is becoming the ...
  • APOSTOL, Ciprian (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The global economy is currently facing a series of major challenges, which is why its main characteristic can be said to be uncertainty. One of these challenges is artificial intelligence (AI). With its spectacular evolution, ...
  • BUGAIAN, Larisa (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    This article examines the development of higher education programs, with a particular focus on the structure, design, and implementation of joint inter-university initiatives. It addresses key issues concerning the education ...
  • CHIȚIGA, Georgiana (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The paper aims to analyze the major need to transition to a climate-neutral economy, which represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the European Union member states. Mobilizing the necessary funds for this ...
  • MILEA, Camelia (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Romania has faced, continuously, an external deficit after 1990, generally, of high level, according to international standards. In the article, the author intends to highlight some directions of action that will lead to ...
  • DRĂGOI, Cătălin (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Twin deficits are a chronic problem of the Romanian economy, which has worsened in recent years amid global crises. Even if some of the existing global economic conditions have improved (we refer in particular to the decline ...
  • JITARI, Liliana (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Uncertainty and risc are integral parts of the real estate appraisal process because the appraiser cannot accurately detect and estimate all current and future influencing factors on value. The source of uncertainty is ...
  • CAZAC, Viorica; VASILIEV, Nicoleta; ADASCALIŢA, Lucia (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The paper presents the results of the analysis of regulations regarding sustainability in packaging, a targeted reference field with a significant impact on the environment. Packaging is an indispensable element of everyday ...
  • URSU, Viorica; TEGLEDI, Monica Adriana; IVANOV, Iurie; GRIBINCEA, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Agricultural land plays an important role in the sustainable development of the European Union, providing essential resources for food security, environmental protection and social cohesion. Agriculture, one of the oldest ...
  • ADAM (WEISNER), Andreea (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    This article examines Romania as a comparative case to explore the impact of European Union (EU) funding and cross-border partnerships on enhancing circular economy (CE) practices in Moldova. As an EU member state, Romania ...
  • BÂRDAN, Veaceslav (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The environment is polluted by several major groups of pollutants: mechanical, physical, biological and chemical, all of which have serious repercussions on the environment, but in addition to these there is another form ...
  • GEVORGYAN, Sargis (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The topic of food waste management has become a global discussion in recent years, but it is still not widely addressed in Greek and Armenian societies. This can be attributed to the common cultural and historical backgrounds ...
  • RADUCAN, Radu; NAGY, Cristina Mihaela; ADAM (WEISNER), Andreea (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    This study explores the essential roles of insurance, European funds, circular economy principles, and effective management strategies in fostering sustainable economic growth. Examining corporate practices, funding ...
  • LITVIN, Aurelia (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    The Republic of Moldova has expressed a strong commitment to European integration, with agricultural policy alignment being a key aspect of this process. The EU accession process involves multiple stages, including the ...
  • PASTIU, Carmen Adina; MUNTEAN, Andreea; MAICAN, Silvia (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Recent trends in e-commerce, highlighted by the global phenomena of the COVID-19 pandemic, explicitly show substantial changes in the behavior of online consumers. Since in Romania's economy e-business (online businesses) ...
  • DAGYS, Kadirbyek; HEIJMAN, Wim; DRIES, Liesbeth; AGIPAR, Bakyei (Technical University of Moldova, 2024)
    Mongolia, rich in natural resources, faces a significant challenge in reducing its dependence on a single sector and diversifying its economy. This study, therefore, aims to evaluate the current state of economic diversification ...
  • Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei; Facultatea Inginerie Economică și Business; Departamentul Teorie Economică și Marketing (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    În culegere sunt prezentate articolele participanților la seminarul ştiinţific naţional, dedicat aniversării a 60 de ani ai UTM, organizat de Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei la 18 octombrie 2024.
  • TRIFONOVA, Larisa (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    This article explores the transformative changes in marketing communications strategies brought about by digital advancements. The author examines how companies have shifted from traditional marketing methods to a more ...
  • RAEVSKAIA, Irina (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Metodele tradiţionale de motivare constată din ce în ce mai puţin succes, de unde şi apare nevoia companiilor de a se orienta spre metode noi, diferite, adaptate profilului psihologic al noilor generaţii. O metodă ...
  • GANGAN, Andrei (Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei, 2024)
    Economia Moldovei, ca și economia oricărui stat din lume, trece prin transformări serioase, determinate de utilizare tehnologiilor informaționale în diverse domenii. Utilizarea tehnologiilor informaționale în marketing ...

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