Conferinţe: Recent submissions

  • BEŞLIU, Victor; CIUFUDEAN, Călin; FILOTE, Constantin; MARUSIC, Galina; MORARU, Vasile (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În lucrare se propun modelul numeric al curgerii apei şi cel al dispersiei poluanţilor chimici pe un sector al rîului Prut. Pentru modelare se utilizează ecuaţiile lui Navier-Stokes în forma diferenţială sub forma Reynolds, ...
  • AVORNIC, A.; CANŢER, V.; ŢURCANU, V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Soluţionarea problemelor apărute în activitatea economico-financiara a unei instituţii, în particular de cercetare, este dependentă de calitatea şi cantitatea informaţiilor procesate şi furnizate de sistemul informaţional ...
  • VERLAN, V.; ANDRIESH, A. M.; CULEAC, I.; POPUSHOI, A.; DRAGALIN, G.; BARBĂ, N.; BUZURNIUC, S.; MALAHOV, L. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    New light-emitting layers of nanocomposites on polymer base have been obtained. As polymeric matrices the poly-N-vinylpirrolidone has been used. As organic luminophore matertials new compound from izotiocianatopropenone ...
  • BARANOV, Simion; CINIC, Boris; ENACHI, Mihail; GORCEAC, Leonid; SUMAN, Victor (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    It is a report about an epitaxial GaAs relief layer with 3 μ of thickness growth in Ga –AsCl3 – H2 system on n-GaAs (n=2x1018cm-3) substrate with multiple crystallization centers. Crystalline lattice on substrate surface ...
  • SIDORENKO, Anatolie (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Very rapid developing area, spintronics, needs new devices, based on new physical principles. One of such devices – a superconducting spin-valve, consists of ferromagnetic and superconducting layers, is based on a novel ...
  • MORARI, Roman; KEHRLE, Jan; ZDRAVKOV, Vladimir; ANTROPOV, Evgenii; PREPELITSA, Andrei; SOCROVISCIUC, Alexei; OBERMEIER, Gunter; MÜLLER, Claus; HORN, Siegfrid; TAGIROV, Lenar; TIDECKS, Renhard; SIDORENKO, Anatolie (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Results of High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) and scanning Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) results for CuNi/Nb/CuNi nanostructures prepared by magnetron sputtering are presented and discussed.
  • MONAICO, Eduard; URSAKI, Veaceslav; ZALAMAI, Victor; MASNIK, Alisa; SYRBU, Nicolae; BURLACU, Alexandru (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    We show that chalcopyrite CuInS2 crystals can be nanostructured by electrochemical treatment in an aqueous HCl solution. In order the crystals to become suitable for electrochemical nanostructuring they are subjected to ...
  • НИКОЛАЕВА, Альбина; КОНОПКО, Леонид; ХУБЕР, Тито; ПОПОВ, Иван; МОЛОШНИК, Евгений (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Получены монокристаллические нити Bi1-хSbх в полупроводниковой области концентраций (0,05< х< 0,12) в стеклянной оболочке с диаметрами от 1 мкм до 2мкм. При анизотропной деформации типа одноосного растяжения (до 2 % ...
  • NIKOLAEVA, Albina A.; KONOPKO, Leonid A.; PARA, Gheorghe I.; TSURKAN, Ana K.; BOTNARY, Oxana V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    We studied the strain dependences of the resistance and thermopower of nanowires of Bi and its alloys with Sn in conditions of an anisotropic elastic strain with values of 2% elongation, which is one order of magnitude ...
  • BEJENARI, Igor; KANTSER, Valeriu (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    We study the electronic structure of a cylindrical nanotube made of a topological insulator Bi2Te3. The calculation was made in the framework of the kp theory near the Γ point of the surface Brilloiun zone. A band gap size ...
  • ENACHI, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    It is shown that coating by Au layers with thickness of 5 – 10 nm of titania nanotubes with anatase structure produced by burning the as-electrochemically-prepared nanotubes in a methane flame leads to the increase of the ...
  • PENIN, Alexandr; SIDORENCO, Anatolie (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Empirical linearly-hyperbolic approximation of the I-V characteristic of diodes and solar cell is presented. This approximation is based on hyperbolic dependence of a current of the p–n junctions on voltage for large ...
  • CASIAN, Anatolie; BALMUS, Ion; DUSCIAC, Viorel (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The physical reasons that lead to deviations from the Wiedemann-Franz law in low-dimensional organic crystals with electronic type conduction are investigated. The kinetic coefficients were modeled as functions of Fermi ...
  • PENIN, Alexandr (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    For two-port circuit of direct current the problem of recalculation of the changeable load currents is considered. The approach on the basis of projective geometry is used for interpretation of changes or "kinematics" of ...
  • CANŢER, V.; DRAGUTA, S. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Un nou model de celula solară format dintr-o retea de nanofire dens aranjate, unde fiecare nanofir dispune o jonctiune p-n în directie radială, si sînt orientate paralel cu direcţia de propagare a luminii, duce la separarea ...
  • ZINGAN, A. P.; KHADZHI, P. I. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    It was studied the dynamic of atom–molecular conversion in condition of bose – Einstein condensate with formation of homonuclear molecule in regime of self-acquisition. We received the conditions of appearance of ...
  • VENGER, E. F.; IEVTUSHENKO, A. I.; MELNICHUK, L. Yu.; MELNICHUK, O. V. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    We present the results of IR spectroscopy and attenuated total reflection (ATR) investigations of the properties of polar optically anisotropic ZnO films on hexagonal 6H-SiC single crystals. The ATR and IR reflection spectra ...
  • GHEORGHIŢĂ, Eugen; MIHĂLACHE, Alexei; TURTĂ, Constantin (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În această lucrare se prezintă pentru discuţie rezultatele studierii spectrelor de rezonanţa nucleară gama (Spectrelor Mössbauer, SM) al antimonidului de galiu dopat cu izotopul 57Fe în diapazonul de concentraţii (1÷3 % ...
  • SAPOVAL, Oleg (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Metalorganic aerosol deposition is a suitable technique for the synthesis of a wide range of complex oxides thin films. The present paper reports on growth of high quality multilayered structures on the base of functional ...
  • KONOPKO, Leonid (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    At room temperature We have investigated the transverse thermopower in thin single-crystal bismuth microwires. The single-crystal nanowire samples in the diameter range 2 - 15 μm were prepared by the high frequency liquid ...

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