Conferinţe: Recent submissions

  • PRODAN, Tatiana; LAZU, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    This paper describes the theoretical overview of the question-answering systems and knowledge base and representation. Within a joint project with the Information Society Development Institute (ISDI), a question-answering ...
  • ŢURCANU, Iurie; GUŢULEAC, Emilian; BALMUŞ, Ion (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    În lucrare sunt considerate unele aspecte de modelare şi evaluare a disponibilităţii sistemelor de calcul cu arhitecturi orientate pe servicii (SOA) prin reţele Petri stocastice generalizate (RPRS), care descriu interacţiunea ...
  • SONTEA, Victor; IAVORSCHI, Anatolie; PAHOMI, Valerii; PÎRŢAC, Valeriu; ANGHILOGLU, Dmitrii (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this work is presented the system for heart rate variability analysis using methods of ECG and FPG signal registration and processing. There are described structural scheme of the measurement system and processing of ...
  • POPESCU, Anatol; MAXIM, Victoria (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    A natural language search engine would in theory find targeted answers to user questions (as opposed to keyword search). For example, when confronted with a question of the form 'which U.S. state has the highest income ...
  • STRATULAT, Cristina (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Vocabulary is a vital part of language teaching. New words have to be introduced in such a way as to capture the students’ attention and place the words in their memories. Students need to be aware of techniques for ...
  • SAVA, Nina (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Lucrarea de faţă abordează principalele deosebiri dintre învăţămîntul virtual şi cel tradiţional. Tot aici se determină rolul tehnologiilor multimedia ce au dus la apariţia e-learningului.
  • ZAVADOVSCHI, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The present article refers to Project work and Project-Based Learning as educational approaches to offer the opportunity to create innovative learning environments. They allow students of working in teams, engaging with ...
  • CATERENCIUC, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The process of terminologization, which takes place in today’s technical literature, is effected by new technical inventions and emergence of new directions of researches. For this reason, those terms which dictionaries ...
  • ZAVADOVSCHI, A. (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    This article briefly reviews key elements of cooperative learning and also presents some teaching skills such as working cooperatively in addition to creative thinking that can be introduced to the students to facilitate ...
  • CATERENCIUC, Svetlana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Affixation is one of the most productive ways of enriching vocabulary. Prefixes and suffixes play important role in term-formation, classifying them according to their origin and part of speech.
  • OSIPOV, Violeta (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Computer mathematics systems are very widely solicited by education and research institutions. Maple is one of these systems. It is a very attractive environment for making different calculations and analytical transforming. ...
  • ŞIŞIANU, Ala (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Motivation is a key element of education and plays a crucial role in the success and enjoyment of the learning process for individual students. There are many factors, which influence motivation, some positive and some ...
  • BRAGARU, Tudor (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Different types of (self-) evaluation and control requires various types of tools as well as specific methodologies and technologies. Currently, pedagogic test is recognized as one of the most efficient technique of ...
  • PEREBINOS, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Cunoştinţele sunt asociate cu cineva sau ceva care include fapte, descrieri, informaţii şi / sau competenţe dobîndite prin experienţă sau educaţie. Educaţia este dobîndirea artei de a utiliza cunoştinţele. În sensul cel ...
  • PEREBINOS, Mihail (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    Acest articol prezintă conceptul şi unele rezultate, privind utilizarea metodei evaluării integrate în estimarea şi evaluarea cunoştinţelor studenţilor. Această abordare propune introducerea în Testul Tematic Individual, ...
  • BALMUŞ, Nicolae; ANDRONIC, Ion (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In lucrare se propune un algoritm de tip Monte Carlo pentru studierea asistată de calculator a fenomenului de difracţie a luminii de la diferite aperturi. Rezultatele experimentului numeric se compară cu imagini obţinute ...
  • TCACI, Olga; SEVERIN, Olga; ISTRATI, Daniela; RUSU, Mariana (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    De nos jours il faut trouver des méthodes interactives plus adéquates pour mobiliser l’étudiant à faire face aux programmes arides de l’enseignement universitaire guidé par le Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les ...
  • DARADKEH, Yousef; MU’NGER, Ahid AL (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    The fact that most wireless networks are not secured has been reported, discussed, lectured on, and more. About the only way you could have avoided this is if you were completely removed from every form of paper and ...
  • DARADKEH, Yousef; ALMARWAN, Qutaibah; ALSALEEM, Muntaser (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    In this paper I explain the most important modulation technique and I explain the type of this Technique (AM). Amplitude modulation (AM) reflectometry is a technique for density profile measurements in magnetic fusion ...
  • POPA, Corina; LAZĂR (GORODENCO), Oxana; AVRAM, Ion (Technical University of Moldova, 2011)
    A method of synthesis of active filters based on RC-elements with distributed parameter is described. Is described the procedures, is made synthesis of a low-pass Buttervorth filter of the second degree. It is calculated ...

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