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  • MADAN, Elena (Institutul Patrimoniului Cultural al AŞM, 2021)
    Clasificarea mobilierului țărănesc poate fi făcut în baza mai multor criterii care, urmărite în ansamblu, pot forma tabloul general a ceea ce reprezintă mobilierul țărănesc cu specific zonal. Organigrama, care a fost ...
  • CATERENCIUC, Svetlana (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2018)
    În sistemul derivaţional afixal al termenilor tehnici din limba engleză au loc tendinţe evidente de renovare a inventarului afixal. Se conturează o transformare neologică vădită, îndeosebi în cadrul inventarului prefixal, ...
  • SOKOLOVA, Marina; BOBICEV, Victoria (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2009)
    This paper presents a machine learning study of affective words in Russian and Romanian languages. We tag the word affective meaning by one of the WordNet Affect six labels anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise and ...
  • BUGAIAN, Larisa; MAMALIGA, Vasile; CIOBANU, Marin (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2015)
    Este bine ştiut faptul că fluxurile de investiţii străine directe (ISD) joacă un rol din ce în ce mai important în economia contemporană. Acestea, alături de capitalul autohton, participă direct la procesul de dezvoltare ...
  • RARU, Aliona; FLOREA-BURDUJA, Elena; IROVAN, Marcela; FARÎMA, Daniela (Editura Universităţii din Oradea, 2020)
    The paper presents the results of preliminary research on the need for functional-adaptive clothing for people with disabilities caused by breast cancer. The study includes identification of disability impact factors, data ...
  • DOGOTARU, Svetlana; CLIMOVA, Alla; URSU, Mircea (Publishing House C.H. Beck SRL, 2015)
    The common property in multi-apartment buildings is still not yet registered in the Real Estate Register for the benefit of apartment owners. This is probably explained by the fact that the Law on Privatization of Housing ...
  • BERNIC, Mircea; ŞAPOVALOV, Oleg; CIOBANU, Eugeniu; MAŢCO, Marcel (Sibiu Alma Mater University, 2011)
    The most frequently used methods for food products processing with inert gases is anoxianabioza, which means inert gases use as bio-inhibit agents. This method consists of special conditions creation, which reduces more ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu” din Cahul, 2017)
    In the educational system is mentioned one fact, that professional success and high educational performance depends on several factors and one of them, with a big impact from students potential at the beginning of the ...
  • SIMION, Simion Dănuţ (Institutul de Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2018)
    In the educational system is mentioned often, that professional success and high educational performance depends on several factors and one of them, with a big impact for teachers and students potential is coaching. ...
  • SIDORENKO, A. S.; LENK, D.; ZDRAVKOV, V. I.; MORARI, R.; ULLRICH, A.; MÜLLER, C.; KRUG VON NIDDA, H.-A.; HORN, S.; TAGIROV, L. R.; TIDECKS, R. (Springer Nature Switzerland, 2016)
    The present work reports on the influence of a Cobalt sublayer on a conventional exchange bias CoOx/Cu41Ni59 interface. For superconducting spintronics the ability to exchange bias diluted ferromagnetic alloys is an essential ...
  • MUNTYANU, F. M.; GILEWSKI, A.; ZALESKI, A. J.; CHISTOL, V.; ROGACKI, K. (Elsevier, 2017)
    In the normal state the 3D topological insulator Bi1−xSbx is diamagnetic and does not show superconductivity because of the extremely low carrier density. Despite this, we have found that the small crystallite disorientation ...
  • BÂRDAN, Veaceslav; SCUTARU, Alexandru (Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, 2019)
    The process of European economic integration also implies the gradual approximation of the level of economic andsocial development of the member states. Cohesion policy is the main investment policy of the EU, which aims ...
  • GUŢU, Aurel; GUŢU-CHETRUŞCA, Corina (Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2018)
    Feasibility studies cogeneration unites installed in a greenhouses have shown the high efficiency of cogeneration compared to boiler installations. The cost of heat is reduced up to 1.5 times. A considerable fuel economy ...
  • ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; MUNTEANU, Silvia; ALEXEI, Victoria; MELNIC, Radu; TURCAN, Ana; STRUNA, Vadim (Vladimir Andrunachievici Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2021)
    The paper presents the results of the conceptual and structural design of a cognitive system of distributed computing based on temporal logic. The cognitive system has a Multi-Agent structure that forms a mesh network with ...
  • MUNTEANU, Silvia; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; ABABII, Victor; BRANISHTE, Rodica; TURCAN, Ana; LEASHCENCO, Valeria (International Journals of Sciences and High Technologies, 2021)
    This paper contains the obtained results in the research and design of cognitive systems with distributed computing and its applying in Intelligent Agriculture. Only some aspects of Intelligent Agriculture related to the ...
  • ABABII, Victor; SUDACEVSCHI, Viorica; MUNTEAN, Silvia; LAZU, Victoria (University of Bacau, 2018)
    This article proposes the development of a multi-agent system with cognitive properties designed to find optimal solutions in the work environment. The Multi-Agent system consists of two agent sub-agents that contribute ...
  • MOSKALENKO, S. A.; LIBERMAN, M. A.; DUMANOV, E. V.; RUSSU, S. S.; SANDULEAC, I. (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2010)
    The collective elementary excitations of the two-dimensional magnetoexcitons in a state of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) with wave vector k =0 were investigated in terms of the Bogoliubov theory of quasiaverages. The ...
  • MOSKALENKO, S. A.; LIBERMAN, M. A.; SNOKE, D. W.; DUMANOV, E. V.; RUSU, S. S.; CERBU, F. (Institutul de Fizică Aplicată al AŞM, 2012)
    The energy spectrum of the collective elementary excitations consists of two exciton-type branches (energy and quasienergy branches), each of them with an energy gap and a roton-type region, from the gapless optical plasmon ...
  • DULGHERU, Valeriu (Agenţia de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală a Republicii Moldova, 2003)
    Problema cunoaşterii şi dezvoltării aptitudinilor creative nu este nouă. În Grecia antică, în special în Sparta şi în vechea Romă, se considera că educaţia corectă a generaţiei tinere este chezăşia bunăstării unui stat. ...
  • CHISTOL, Vitalie; ȘUTAC, Victor (Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu" al AŞM, 2016)
    Despe ediţia a XXII-a a Colocviului Internaţional de fizică “Evrica! – Cygnus – Fizica şi tehnologiile moderne”.

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